# Copyright (c) 2012 by R1cochet # All rights reserved # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # rssagg, version 1.1, for weechat version 0.3.7 or later # watch multiple RSS/RDF/Atom feeds and display the most current articles # Thank you nils_2, Flashcode, Nei # # Requires Perl module XML::FeedPP # # # Script will attempt to create a directory on first run: %h/perl/tmp # A temp directory is needed in order for the module to work properly. # You may change the directory location with the option: "rssagg.engine.temp_dir" # # # Usage: # display all settings for script: # /set rssagg* # show RSS feed manager (you must have feeds added): # /rssagg # add a feed: # /rssagg add name http://example.com/rss.php # add a cookie to a feed: # /rssagg cookie name uid=1234;pass=abc123efg456; # buffer input shortcuts must be provided with the correct fields to be set # # # History: # 2021-05-06, Sébastien Helleu : # v1.3: Add compatibility with XDG directories (WeeChat >= 3.2). # 2020-06-21, Sébastien Helleu : # v1.2: Make call to bar_new compatible with WeeChat >= 2.9. # 2013-04-06, R1cochet : # v1.1: Added option "rssagg.engine.autostop". Added "last" option to /rssagg command. # Muted filter in rssagg buffer. Fixed partial feed callback. Other bug fixes. # 2012-11-05, R1cochet : # v1.0: Initial Public Release # use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw(strftime); use XML::FeedPP; my $SCRIPT_NAME = "rssagg"; my $VERSION = "1.3"; my $SCRIPT_DESC = "RSS/RDF/Atom feed aggregator for WeeChat"; ######################### Global Vars ######################### my $config_file; # config file pointer my %config = (); # config hash my @feeds; # list of feed names my %feeds = (); # feed hash my %partial_feed = (); # for multiple url callbacks on large feeds my $rssagg_buffer = ""; # pointer to buffer my $rsslist_buffer = ""; # pointer to free buffer my $rssagg_bar = ""; # pointer to bar my @buffer_lines; # buffer display lines my @bar_lines; # bar lines my @bar_lines_time; # bar line time my $current_line = 0; # current line in list buffer my $list_max_name = 0; # max name length my $temp_dir = ""; # temp_dir my %entity2char = ( # html entity hash # Some normal chars that have special meaning in SGML context amp => '&', 'gt' => '>', 'lt' => '<', quot => '"', apos => "'", # PUBLIC ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML AElig => chr(198), Aacute => chr(193), Acirc => chr(194), Agrave => chr(192), Aring => chr(197), Atilde => chr(195), Auml => chr(196), Ccedil => chr(199), ETH => chr(208), Eacute => chr(201), Ecirc => chr(202), Egrave => chr(200), Euml => chr(203), Iacute => chr(205), Icirc => chr(206), Igrave => chr(204), Iuml => chr(207), Ntilde => chr(209), Oacute => chr(211), Ocirc => chr(212), Ograve => chr(210), Oslash => chr(216), Otilde => chr(213), Ouml => chr(214), THORN => chr(222), Uacute => chr(218), Ucirc => chr(219), Ugrave => chr(217), Uuml => chr(220), Yacute => chr(221), aacute => chr(225), acirc => chr(226), aelig => chr(230), agrave => chr(224), aring => chr(229), atilde => chr(227), auml => chr(228), ccedil => chr(231), eacute => chr(233), ecirc => chr(234), egrave => chr(232), eth => chr(240), euml => chr(235), iacute => chr(237), icirc => chr(238), igrave => chr(236), iuml => chr(239), ntilde => chr(241), oacute => chr(243), ocirc => chr(244), ograve => chr(242), oslash => chr(248), otilde => chr(245), ouml => chr(246), szlig => chr(223), thorn => chr(254), uacute => chr(250), ucirc => chr(251), ugrave => chr(249), uuml => chr(252), yacute => chr(253), yuml => chr(255), # Some extra Latin 1 chars that are listed in the HTML3.2 draft (21-May-96) copy => chr(169), reg => chr(174), nbsp => chr(160), # Additional ISO-8859/1 entities listed in rfc1866 (section 14) iexcl => chr(161), cent => chr(162), pound => chr(163), curren => chr(164), yen => chr(165), brvbar => chr(166), sect => chr(167), uml => chr(168), ordf => chr(170), laquo => chr(171), 'not' => chr(172), shy => chr(173), macr => chr(175), deg => chr(176), plusmn => chr(177), sup1 => chr(185), sup2 => chr(178), sup3 => chr(179), acute => chr(180), micro => chr(181), para => chr(182), middot => chr(183), cedil => chr(184), ordm => chr(186), raquo => chr(187), frac14 => chr(188), frac12 => chr(189), frac34 => chr(190), iquest => chr(191), 'times'=> chr(215), divide => chr(247), ( $] > 5.007 ? ( 'OElig' => chr(338), 'oelig' => chr(339), 'Scaron' => chr(352), 'scaron' => chr(353), 'Yuml' => chr(376), 'fnof' => chr(402), 'circ' => chr(710), 'tilde' => chr(732), 'Alpha' => chr(913), 'Beta' => chr(914), 'Gamma' => chr(915), 'Delta' => chr(916), 'Epsilon' => chr(917), 'Zeta' => chr(918), 'Eta' => chr(919), 'Theta' => chr(920), 'Iota' => chr(921), 'Kappa' => chr(922), 'Lambda' => chr(923), 'Mu' => chr(924), 'Nu' => chr(925), 'Xi' => chr(926), 'Omicron' => chr(927), 'Pi' => chr(928), 'Rho' => chr(929), 'Sigma' => chr(931), 'Tau' => chr(932), 'Upsilon' => chr(933), 'Phi' => chr(934), 'Chi' => chr(935), 'Psi' => chr(936), 'Omega' => chr(937), 'alpha' => chr(945), 'beta' => chr(946), 'gamma' => chr(947), 'delta' => chr(948), 'epsilon' => chr(949), 'zeta' => chr(950), 'eta' => chr(951), 'theta' => chr(952), 'iota' => chr(953), 'kappa' => chr(954), 'lambda' => chr(955), 'mu' => chr(956), 'nu' => chr(957), 'xi' => chr(958), 'omicron' => chr(959), 'pi' => chr(960), 'rho' => chr(961), 'sigmaf' => chr(962), 'sigma' => chr(963), 'tau' => chr(964), 'upsilon' => chr(965), 'phi' => chr(966), 'chi' => chr(967), 'psi' => chr(968), 'omega' => chr(969), 'thetasym' => chr(977), 'upsih' => chr(978), 'piv' => chr(982), 'ensp' => chr(8194), 'emsp' => chr(8195), 'thinsp' => chr(8201), 'zwnj' => chr(8204), 'zwj' => chr(8205), 'lrm' => chr(8206), 'rlm' => chr(8207), 'ndash' => chr(8211), 'mdash' => chr(8212), 'lsquo' => chr(8216), 'rsquo' => chr(8217), 'sbquo' => chr(8218), 'ldquo' => chr(8220), 'rdquo' => chr(8221), 'bdquo' => chr(8222), 'dagger' => chr(8224), 'Dagger' => chr(8225), 'bull' => chr(8226), 'hellip' => chr(8230), 'permil' => chr(8240), 'prime' => chr(8242), 'Prime' => chr(8243), 'lsaquo' => chr(8249), 'rsaquo' => chr(8250), 'oline' => chr(8254), 'frasl' => chr(8260), 'euro' => chr(8364), 'image' => chr(8465), 'weierp' => chr(8472), 'real' => chr(8476), 'trade' => chr(8482), 'alefsym' => chr(8501), 'larr' => chr(8592), 'uarr' => chr(8593), 'rarr' => chr(8594), 'darr' => chr(8595), 'harr' => chr(8596), 'crarr' => chr(8629), 'lArr' => chr(8656), 'uArr' => chr(8657), 'rArr' => chr(8658), 'dArr' => chr(8659), 'hArr' => chr(8660), 'forall' => chr(8704), 'part' => chr(8706), 'exist' => chr(8707), 'empty' => chr(8709), 'nabla' => chr(8711), 'isin' => chr(8712), 'notin' => chr(8713), 'ni' => chr(8715), 'prod' => chr(8719), 'sum' => chr(8721), 'minus' => chr(8722), 'lowast' => chr(8727), 'radic' => chr(8730), 'prop' => chr(8733), 'infin' => chr(8734), 'ang' => chr(8736), 'and' => chr(8743), 'or' => chr(8744), 'cap' => chr(8745), 'cup' => chr(8746), 'int' => chr(8747), 'there4' => chr(8756), 'sim' => chr(8764), 'cong' => chr(8773), 'asymp' => chr(8776), 'ne' => chr(8800), 'equiv' => chr(8801), 'le' => chr(8804), 'ge' => chr(8805), 'sub' => chr(8834), 'sup' => chr(8835), 'nsub' => chr(8836), 'sube' => chr(8838), 'supe' => chr(8839), 'oplus' => chr(8853), 'otimes' => chr(8855), 'perp' => chr(8869), 'sdot' => chr(8901), 'lceil' => chr(8968), 'rceil' => chr(8969), 'lfloor' => chr(8970), 'rfloor' => chr(8971), 'lang' => chr(9001), 'rang' => chr(9002), 'loz' => chr(9674), 'spades' => chr(9824), 'clubs' => chr(9827), 'hearts' => chr(9829), 'diams' => chr(9830), ) : ()) ); weechat::register($SCRIPT_NAME, 'R1cochet', $VERSION, 'GPL3', $SCRIPT_DESC, "", ""); my $wee_version_number = weechat::info_get("version_number", "") || 0; if ($wee_version_number < 0x00030700) { weechat::print("", weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME: requires at least WeeChat v0.3.7"); weechat::command("","/wait 1ms /perl unload $SCRIPT_NAME"); } ######################### Initial config ######################### sub init_config { $config_file = weechat::config_new($SCRIPT_NAME, "config_reload_cb", ""); return if (!$config_file); # create new section in config file $config{'sections'}{'color'} = weechat::config_new_section($config_file, "color", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); if (!$config{'sections'}{'color'}) { weechat::config_free($config_file); return; } # add the options to the section $config{'options'}{'buffer_title_running'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "buffer_title_running", "color", "Color of active feeds in feeds buffer title.", "", 0, 0, "lightmagenta", "lightmagenta", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'item'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "item", "color", "Color of the feed article title.", "", 0, 0, "default", "default", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'link'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "link", "color", "Color of the feed article link.", "", 0, 0, "cyan", "cyan", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'status_cookie'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "status_cookie", "color", "Color for status \"cookie\" (\"C\")", "", 0, 0, "lightmagenta", "lightmagenta", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'status_running'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "status_running", "color", "Color for status \"running\" (\"r\")", "", 0, 0, "lightgreen", "lightgreen", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'text_bg_selected'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "text_bg_selected", "color", "Text color of feed delay in list buffer.", "", 0, 0, "red", "red", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'text_delay'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "text_delay", "color", "Text color of feed delay in list buffer.", "", 0, 0, "magenta", "magenta", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'text_delay_selected'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "text_delay_selected", "color", "Text color of feed delay in list buffer.", "", 0, 0, "lightmagenta", "lightmagenta", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'text_last'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "text_last", "color", "Text color of feed last call in list buffer.", "", 0, 0, "white", "white", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'text_last_selected'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "text_last_selected", "color", "Text color of feed last call in list buffer.", "", 0, 0, "white", "white", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'text_link'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "text_link", "color", "Text color of feed URL in list buffer.", "", 0, 0, "default", "default", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'text_link_selected'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "text_link_selected", "color", "Text color of feed URL in list buffer.", "", 0, 0, "white", "white", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'text_name'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "text_name", "color", "Text color of feed name in list buffer.", "", 0, 0, "cyan", "cyan", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'text_name_selected'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'color'}, "text_name_selected", "color", "Text color of feed name in list buffer.", "", 0, 0, "lightcyan", "lightcyan", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'sections'}{'engine'} = weechat::config_new_section($config_file, "engine", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); if (!$config{'sections'}{'engine'}) { weechat::config_free($config_file); return; } $config{'options'}{'autostart_delay'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'engine'}, "autostart_delay", "integer", "Set the delay of time in minutes between autostart of feeds. The first feed will be started right away. Each feed thereafter will be started in (n-1)*d, where n = the feed number and d = delay.", "", 0, 5, "1", "1", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'autostart_on_add'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'engine'}, "autostart_on_add", "boolean", "Automatically start a feed once added.", "", 0, 0, "off", "off", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'autostart_on_load'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'engine'}, "autostart_on_load", "boolean", "Automatically start all feeds on script load.", "", 0, 0, "off", "off", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'autostop'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'engine'}, "autostop", "integer", "Automatically stop feed after n number of fails (set to 0 to disable).", "", 0, 20, "3", "3", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'default_delay'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'engine'}, "default_delay", "integer", "Set the default delay for fetching feeds (mins).", "", 10, 240, "60", "60", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'max_headlines'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'engine'}, "max_headlines", "integer", "Set the maximum amount of feed articles to save.", "", 5, 300, "20", "20", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'timeout'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'engine'}, "timeout", "integer", "Set the default timeout limit for fetching feeds (secs).", "", 10, 120, "20", "20", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'tmp_dir'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'engine'}, "temp_dir", "string", "Set the location to save old feeds to.", "", 0, 0, "%h/perl/tmp", "%h/perl/tmp", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'sections'}{'look'} = weechat::config_new_section($config_file, "look", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); if (!$config{'sections'}{'look'}) { weechat::config_free($config_file); return; } $config{'options'}{'bar_autoscroll'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "bar_autoscroll", "boolean", "Autoscroll bar when feeds are updated.", "", 0, 0, "on", "on", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'bar_max_headlines'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "bar_max_headlines", "integer", "Set the maximum amount of feed articles to keep in the bar.", "", 1, 40, "20", "20", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'bar_prefix_align'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "bar_prefix_align", "integer", "Set the alignment of the prefix in the bar. This mimics option \"weechat.look.prefix_align\"", "left|right|none", 0, 0, "right", "right", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'buffer_highlight_strings'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "buffer_highlight_strings", "string", "Comma separated list of strings to highlight in buffer mode. ( \"-\" = none )", "", 0, 0, "-", "-", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'buffer_max_headlines'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "buffer_max_headlines", "integer", "Set the maximum amount of feed articles to keep when switching to buffer mode.", "", 1, 200, "40", "40", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'channel_prefix'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "channel_prefix", "string", "Set the rss channel prefix.", "", 0, 0, "#", "#", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'color_channel'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "color_channel", "boolean", "Color the rss channel a semi-random color.", "", 0, 0, "on", "on", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'filter_mode'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "filter_mode", "integer", "Set rssagg buffer filter mode. Set to \"reverse\" to show only lines containing string.", "normal|reverse", 0, 0, "normal", "normal", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'format'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "format", "string", "Set the format of the print line. ( \%C = channel header, \%I = item, \%L = URL, \%t = tab )", "", 0, 0, "%C%t%I %L", "%C%t%I %L", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'output'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "output", "integer", "Where new feeds will be sent.", "bar|buffer", 0, 0, "buffer", "buffer", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'scroll_horiz'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "scroll_horiz", "integer", "Scroll content of rsslist buffer n%.", "", 1, 100, "10", "10", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'show_in_hotlist'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "show_in_hotlist", "boolean", "Show in hotlist (status bar/buffer.pl).", "", 0, 0, "off", "off", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); $config{'options'}{'show_on_start'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'look'}, "show_on_start", "boolean", "Show initial feeds when timer first started.", "", 0, 0, "off", "off", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); # User added config options $config{'sections'}{'feeds'} = weechat::config_new_section($config_file, "feeds", 1, 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); if (!$config{'sections'}{'feeds'}) { weechat::config_free($config_file); return; } $config{'sections'}{'delay'} = weechat::config_new_section($config_file, "delay", 1, 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); if (!$config{'sections'}{'delay'}) { weechat::config_free($config_file); return; } $config{'sections'}{'cookies'} = weechat::config_new_section($config_file, "cookies", 1, 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); if (!$config{'sections'}{'cookies'}) { weechat::config_free($config_file); return; } my %init_hash = (); my $home_dir = weechat::info_get("weechat_config_dir", ""); $home_dir = weechat::info_get("weechat_dir", "") if (!$home_dir); if (-e "$home_dir/$SCRIPT_NAME.conf") { open(my $fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", "$home_dir/$SCRIPT_NAME.conf") || weechat::print("", "can't open UTF-8 encoded filename: $!"); my $section; while (<$fh>) { chomp; if (/^\s*\[(\w+)\].*/) { $section = $1; } if (/^(\w+)\s=?\s(\"?.*\"?)?$/) { my $keyword = $1; my $value = $2 ; # put them into hash $init_hash{$section}{$keyword} = $value; } } close ($fh); # add the feed links and delays to the config hash for my $section (sort keys %init_hash) { if ($section =~ /feeds/) { for my $key (sort keys %{ $init_hash{$section} } ) { if ($key !~ /_delay$/) { push @feeds, "$key"; # pointer to feed link $feeds{"$key"}{'link'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'feeds'}, "$key", "string", "This is the link to the feed", "", 0, 0, "$init_hash{$section}{$key}", "$init_hash{$section}{$key}", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); # pointer to feed delay $feeds{"$key"}{'delay'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'feeds'}, "$key"."_delay", "integer", "Feed fetch delay (mins).", "", 10, 720, $init_hash{"feeds"}{$key."_delay"}, $init_hash{"feeds"}{$key."_delay"}, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); } # pointer to cookie if cookie exists if (exists $init_hash{'cookies'}{$key}) { # pointer to the feed cookie $feeds{"$key"}{'cookie'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'cookies'}, "$key", "string", "Cookie to send when fetching feed.", "", 0, 0, "$init_hash{cookies}{$key}", "$init_hash{cookies}{$key}", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); } } } } } @feeds = sort(@feeds); # sort feeds for interactive buffer } # config callbacks sub config_reload_cb { # reload config file return weechat::config_reload($config_file); } sub config_read { # read my config file return weechat::config_read($config_file); } sub config_write { # write to my config file return weechat::config_write($config_file); } init_config(); # load config config_read(); # get options if already in config file ######################### Subroutines ######################### # get tmp dir sub tmp_dir { my $dir = weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'tmp_dir'}); if ($dir =~ /%h/) { my $homedir = weechat::info_get("weechat_cache_dir", ""); $homedir = weechat::info_get("weechat_dir", "") if (!$homedir); $dir =~ s/%h/$homedir/; } if ($dir !~ /\/$/) { $dir .= "/"; } return $dir; } # create tmp dir sub create_tmp_dir { my $tmp_dir = tmp_dir(); $tmp_dir =~ s/\/$//; unless (-d "$tmp_dir") { use File::Path qw(make_path); weechat::print("", "Could not find tmpdir.\nAttempting to create: $tmp_dir"); make_path("$tmp_dir") or weechat::print("", "Unable to create $tmp_dir: $!"); } return; } # delete old .xml files sub clean_tmp { my ($file, $dir) = (shift, tmp_dir()); if ($file eq "all") { # unlink all .xml files my @files = <$dir*.xml>; unlink @files; } else { # unlink unlink "$dir/$file.xml"; } return; } # max feed name length sub list_max_legth { my $max = 20; foreach (@feeds) { $max = length($_) if (length($_) > $max); } return $max; } # color lines sub item_color { # item or link color my ($option, $line) = @_; $line = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{"$option"})) . $line . weechat::color("reset"); return $line; } # create bar delimiter sub build_delimiter { my $delimiter = weechat::config_string(weechat::config_get("weechat.look.prefix_suffix")); $delimiter = weechat::color(weechat::config_color(weechat::config_get("weechat.color.chat_prefix_suffix"))) . $delimiter . weechat::color("reset"); return $delimiter; } # clean feed items sub clean_item { my $item = shift; $item =~ s/^\s*//; $item =~ s/\s*$//; $item =~ s/\n*$//; return $item; } # clean array of feeds sub clean_array { my @array = @_; foreach my $line (@array) { $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//; } @array = grep !/^\s*$/, @array; return @array; } # shrink array of feeds sub shrink_array { my ($option, @array) = @_; # max_headlines my $max_lines = weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{"$option"}); while ($#array > $max_lines) { shift(@array); } return @array; } # set agg buffer title sub set_buffer_title { if ($rssagg_buffer ne "") { my $filters = "f=filter"; my $filter_active = infolist_filter(); if ($filter_active eq "rssagg") { $filters .= "*"; } my $filter_mode = weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'filter_mode'}); my $feeds_title = "| "; if (@feeds) { foreach (sort @feeds) { my $feed = $_; # use this var to prevent renaming of @feeds elements if (exists $feeds{"$_"}{'timer'}) { $feed = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'buffer_title_running'})) . $feed . weechat::color("reset"); # color feed if active } $feeds_title .= "$feed "; } } else { $feeds_title = " "; } weechat::buffer_set($rssagg_buffer, "title", "RSS Feed Monitor | a=add c=cookie d=delete $filters l=list m=$filter_mode r=restart s=start z=stop $feeds_title"); # buffer title return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } return; } # create timestamp to use in bar sub bar_time_format { my $time = strftime(weechat::config_string(weechat::config_get("weechat.look.buffer_time_format")), localtime); if ($time =~ /\$\{\w+\}/) { while ($time =~ /\$\{(\w+)\}/) { my $color = weechat::color($1); $time =~ s/\$\{\w+\}/$color/; } } else { my $color = weechat::color(weechat::config_string(weechat::config_get("weechat.color.chat_time_delimiters"))); my $reset = weechat::color("reset"); $time =~ s/(\d*)(.)(\d*)/$1$color$2$reset$3/g; } return $time; } # color rss channel name sub title_build { my $name = shift; # get prefix my $channel_prefix = weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'channel_prefix'}); if ($channel_prefix ne "") { $name = $channel_prefix . $name; } # create color if (weechat::config_boolean($config{'options'}{'color_channel'})) { my $color = 0; my @chars = split //, $name; foreach my $char (@chars) { $color += ord($char); } $color = ($color % 10) + 1; $name = weechat::color($color) . $name . weechat::color("reset"); } return $name; } # wrap channel name with prefix and suffix sub feed_name_format { my $name = shift; # get buffer print prefix and suffix my $prefix = weechat::color(weechat::config_color(weechat::config_get("irc.color.nick_prefix"))) . weechat::config_string(weechat::config_get("irc.look.nick_prefix")) . weechat::color("reset"); my $suffix = weechat::color(weechat::config_color(weechat::config_get("irc.color.nick_suffix"))) . weechat::config_string(weechat::config_get("irc.look.nick_suffix")) . weechat::color("reset"); # format the channel name $name = title_build($name); $name = $prefix . $name . $suffix; return $name; } # print feeds sub print_feeds { my ($name, $articles) = @_; my $refresh_name = $name; $name = feed_name_format($name); my @articles = split /\n/, $articles; # most current is first @articles = reverse(@articles); # reverse so most recent is printed last. both in buffer and bar my @formatted_lines; # used for printing in buffer mode my $time = bar_time_format(); # create a timestamp and push it onto @bar_lines_time my $format = weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'format'}); foreach my $line (@articles) { my $print_line = $format; my ($title, $link) = split "_:_", $line, 2; $title = item_color("item", $title); $link = item_color("link", $link); $print_line =~ s/%C/$name/g; $print_line =~ s/%t/\t/g; $print_line =~ s/%I/$title/g; $print_line =~ s/%L/$link/g; push @formatted_lines, "$print_line"; # what we print right now push @buffer_lines, "$print_line"; # append to max_buffer_headlines for recall push @bar_lines, "$print_line"; # append to max_bar_headlines for update push @bar_lines_time, $time; } @buffer_lines = shrink_array("buffer_max_headlines", @buffer_lines); if (weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'output'}) eq "bar") { # print to bar do if ($rssagg_bar ne "") { # update bar weechat::bar_item_update("rssagg"); if (weechat::config_boolean($config{'options'}{'bar_autoscroll'})) { #autoscroll on weechat::command("", "/bar scroll rssagg * ye"); } } else { weechat::print("", weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: No bar found to print too."); } } else { if ($rssagg_buffer ne "") { # print to buffer weechat::print($rssagg_buffer, "$_") for @formatted_lines; } else { weechat::print("", weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: No buffer found to print too."); } } return; } # create agg buffer sub buffer_create_agg { $rssagg_buffer = weechat::buffer_search("perl", "rssagg"); if ($rssagg_buffer eq "") { $rssagg_buffer = weechat::buffer_new("rssagg", "buffer_input", "", "buffer_close", ""); } if (!weechat::config_boolean($config{'options'}{'show_in_hotlist'})) { weechat::buffer_set($rssagg_buffer, "notify", "0"); # turn off show in hotlist } my $highlights = weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'buffer_highlight_strings'}); weechat::buffer_set($rssagg_buffer, "highlight_words", "$highlights"); # highlights weechat::buffer_set($rssagg_buffer, "localvar_set_no_log", "1"); # turn off logging return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # create list buffer sub buffer_create_list { $current_line = 0; $rsslist_buffer = weechat::buffer_search("perl", "rsslist"); if ($rsslist_buffer eq "") { $rsslist_buffer = weechat::buffer_new("rsslist", "buffer_input", "", "buffer_close", ""); } weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "type", "free"); # allows you to use print_y weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "title", "RSS Feed Manager | Alt+key d=delete r=restart t=toggle | Input: q=close a=add c=cookie d=delete r=restart s=start z=stop"); # buffer title weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "notify", "0"); # turn off show in hotlist weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "highlight_words", "-"); # no highlights weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "localvar_set_no_log", "1"); # turn off logging weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "display", "1"); # switch to this buffer weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-A", "/$SCRIPT_NAME **up"); weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-B", "/$SCRIPT_NAME **down"); weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-23~", "/$SCRIPT_NAME **left"); weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-24~", "/$SCRIPT_NAME **right"); weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "key_bind_meta-meta2-1~", "/$SCRIPT_NAME **scroll_top"); weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "key_bind_meta-meta2-4~", "/$SCRIPT_NAME **scroll_bottom"); weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "key_bind_meta-d", "/$SCRIPT_NAME **del"); weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "key_bind_meta-r", "/$SCRIPT_NAME **restart"); weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "key_bind_meta-t", "/$SCRIPT_NAME **toggle"); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # sub get window number sub get_window_number { if ($rsslist_buffer ne "") { my $window = weechat::window_search_with_buffer($rsslist_buffer); return "-window ".weechat::window_get_integer ($window, "number")." " if ($window ne ""); } return ""; } # sub refresh full list buffer sub refresh_full { if ($rsslist_buffer ne "") { if ($feeds[0]) { # if we have at least one feed @feeds = sort(@feeds); $current_line = 0; for (0..$#feeds) { # print lines in buffer refresh_line($_); } } else { weechat::command($rsslist_buffer, "/close"); } } } # sub refresh line sub refresh_line { if ($rsslist_buffer ne "") { my $y = shift; if ($y <= $#feeds && exists $feeds{"$feeds[$y]"}{'delay'}) { # check if hash element exists incase adding new feed $list_max_name = list_max_legth(); my $format = sprintf("%%s %%s%%s%%-2s%%s%%-%ds %%s%%-4s%%s%%-7s%%s%%s", $list_max_name); my ($running, $cookie, $last_call) = (" ", " ", " "); $running = "r" if (exists $feeds{"$feeds[$y]"}{'timer'}); $cookie = "C" if (exists $feeds{"$feeds[$y]"}{'cookie'}); $last_call = $feeds{"$feeds[$y]"}{'last_call'} if (exists $feeds{"$feeds[$y]"}{'last_call'}); my ($c_run, $c_cookie) = (weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'status_running'})), weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'status_cookie'}))); my ($c_name, $c_delay) = (weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_name'})), weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_delay'}))); my ($c_last, $c_link) = (weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_last'})), weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_link'}))); if ($y == $current_line) { $c_run = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'status_running'}).",".weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_bg_selected'})); $c_cookie = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'status_cookie'}).",".weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_bg_selected'})); $c_name = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_name_selected'}).",".weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_bg_selected'})); $c_delay = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_delay_selected'}).",".weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_bg_selected'})); $c_last = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_last_selected'}).",".weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_bg_selected'})); $c_link = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_link_selected'}).",".weechat::config_color($config{'options'}{'text_bg_selected'})); } my $strline = sprintf($format, $c_run, $running, $c_cookie, $cookie, $c_name, $feeds[$y], $c_delay, weechat::config_integer($feeds{"$feeds[$y]"}{'delay'}), $c_last, $last_call, $c_link, weechat::config_string($feeds{"$feeds[$y]"}{'link'})); weechat::print_y($rsslist_buffer, $y, "$strline"); #; } } } # sub refresh line by feed name sub refresh_feed_line { my $feed = shift; for (0..$#feeds) { # print lines in buffer if ($feeds[$_] eq "$feed") { refresh_line($_); } } } # check if line is outside view sub line_outside_window { if ($rsslist_buffer ne "") { undef my $infolist; my $window = weechat::window_search_with_buffer($rsslist_buffer); $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("window", $window, "") if $window; if ($infolist) { if (weechat::infolist_next($infolist)) { my $start_line_y = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "start_line_y"); my $chat_height = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "chat_height"); my $window_number = "-window ".weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "number")." "; if ($start_line_y > $current_line) { weechat::command($rsslist_buffer, "/window scroll ".$window_number."-".($start_line_y - $current_line)); } else { if ($start_line_y <= $current_line - $chat_height) { weechat::command($rsslist_buffer, "/window scroll ".$window_number."+".($current_line - $start_line_y - $chat_height + 1)); } } } } weechat::infolist_free($infolist); } } # sub set the current line sub set_current_line { my $new_current_line = shift; my $old_current_line = $current_line; $current_line = $new_current_line; $current_line = $#feeds if ($current_line > $#feeds); if ($old_current_line != $current_line) { refresh_line($old_current_line); refresh_line($current_line); } } # sub bar_create sub bar_create { $rssagg_bar = weechat::bar_search("rssagg"); if ($rssagg_bar eq "") { if ($wee_version_number >= 0x02090000) { $rssagg_bar = weechat::bar_new("rssagg", "off", 0, "root", "", "top", "vertical", "vertical", "4", "20", "default", "cyan", "default", "default", 'off', "rssagg"); } else { $rssagg_bar = weechat::bar_new("rssagg", "off", 0, "root", "", "top", "vertical", "vertical", "4", "20", "default", "cyan", "default", 'off', "rssagg"); } } weechat::bar_item_new("rssagg", "rssagg_bar_build", ""); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # sub bar_destroy sub bar_destroy { $rssagg_bar = weechat::bar_search("rssagg"); if ($rssagg_bar ne "") { weechat::bar_remove($rssagg_bar); } my $rssagg_bar_item = weechat::bar_item_search("rssagg"); if ($rssagg_bar_item ne "") { weechat::bar_item_remove($rssagg_bar_item); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # sub filter infolist sub infolist_filter { my $filter = ""; my $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("filter", "", "rssagg"); if ($infolist ne "") { weechat::infolist_next($infolist); $filter = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "name"); } weechat::infolist_free($infolist); return $filter; } # sub filter string sub filter_string { my $filter_string = ""; my $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("filter", "", "rssagg"); if ($infolist ne "") { weechat::infolist_next($infolist); $filter_string = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "regex"); } weechat::infolist_free($infolist); return $filter_string; } ######################### Callbacks ######################### # buffer input callback sub buffer_input { my ($data, $buffer, $string) = @_; my @commands = split " ", $string; if (@commands) { my $hdata = weechat::hdata_get("buffer"); my $buffer_name = weechat::hdata_string($hdata, $buffer, "name"); if (lc($commands[0]) eq "a" && $commands[1] && $commands[2]) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg add $commands[1] $commands[2]"); } if (lc($commands[0]) eq "c" && $commands[1] && $commands[2]) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg cookie $commands[1] $commands[2]"); } if (lc($commands[0]) eq "d" && $commands[1]) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg del $commands[1]"); } if (lc($commands[0]) eq "r" && $commands[1]) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg restart $commands[1]"); } if (lc($commands[0]) eq "s" && $commands[1]) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg start $commands[1]"); } if (lc($commands[0]) eq "z" && $commands[1]) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg stop $commands[1]"); } if ($buffer_name eq "rsslist") { if ($commands[0] eq "q") { weechat::command($buffer, "/close"); } } if ($buffer_name eq "rssagg") { if ($commands[0] eq "f") { my $filter = infolist_filter(); if ($filter eq "rssagg") { weechat::command("", "/mute /filter del rssagg"); } if ($commands[1]) { if (weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'filter_mode'}) eq "reverse") { $commands[1] = "!".$commands[1]; $commands[1] =~ s/,/,!/g; } weechat::command("", "/mute /filter add rssagg perl.rssagg * $commands[1]"); } set_buffer_title(); } if ($commands[0] eq "l") { weechat::command("", "/rssagg list"); } if ($commands[0] eq "m") { if (weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'filter_mode'}) eq "normal") { weechat::command("", "/mute /set rssagg.look.filter_mode reverse"); } else { weechat::command("", "/mute /set rssagg.look.filter_mode normal"); } } } } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # buffer close callback sub buffer_close { my $buffer = $_[1]; my $hdata = weechat::hdata_get("buffer"); # get buffer name my $buffer_name = weechat::hdata_string($hdata, $buffer, "name"); if ($buffer_name eq "rsslist") { $rsslist_buffer = ""; } else { $rssagg_buffer = ""; } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # buffer scrolled callback sub window_scrolled_cb { my ($data, $signal, $signal_data) = @_; if ($rsslist_buffer ne "") { my $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("window", $signal_data, ""); if (weechat::infolist_next($infolist)) { my $old_current_line = $current_line; my $new_current_line = $current_line; my $start_line_y = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "start_line_y"); my $chat_height = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "chat_height"); $new_current_line += $chat_height if ($new_current_line < $start_line_y); $new_current_line -= $chat_height if ($new_current_line >= $start_line_y + $chat_height); $new_current_line = $start_line_y if ($new_current_line < $start_line_y); $new_current_line = $start_line_y + $chat_height - 1 if ($new_current_line >= $start_line_y + $chat_height); set_current_line($new_current_line); } weechat::infolist_free($infolist); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # bar item build sub rssagg_bar_build { my ($string, $align_num, $count) = ('', 0, 0); @bar_lines = shrink_array("bar_max_headlines", @bar_lines); @bar_lines_time = shrink_array("bar_max_headlines", @bar_lines_time); my @string = @bar_lines; # dont change @bar_lines incase switch to buffer if (@string) { my $delim = build_delimiter(); # create delimiter foreach(@string) { # create prefix number foreach loop my $prefix_num = (index(weechat::string_remove_color($_, ""), "\t")); $align_num = $prefix_num if ($prefix_num > $align_num); } foreach my $line (@string) { # format each line for printing my $prefix_num = (index(weechat::string_remove_color($line, ""), "\t")); my ($channel, $line_item) = split /\t/, $line, 2; if (weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'bar_prefix_align'}) eq "left") { $string .= $bar_lines_time[$count] . " $channel" . (" " x ($align_num - $prefix_num)) . " $delim " . $line_item . "\n"; } elsif (weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'bar_prefix_align'}) eq "right") { $string .= $bar_lines_time[$count] . (" " x ($align_num - $prefix_num)) . " $channel" . " $delim " . $line_item . "\n"; } else { $string .= $bar_lines_time[$count] . " $channel " . $line_item . "\n"; } $count++; } } return $string; } # hooked proccess_hash sub process_cb { my ($data, $command, $return_code, $out, $err) = @_; if ($return_code > 0) { # cURL error weechat::print("", weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME: cURL error: ($return_code) $err"); weechat::print("", weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME: Command: $command"); if (weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostop'}) ) { $feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"}++; if ($feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"} >= weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostop'}) ) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg stop $data"); $feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"} = 0; } } $partial_feed{"$data"} = ""; # delete if defined } elsif ($return_code == weechat::WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR) { weechat::print("", weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME: Error with fetching of feed: \"$data\". Maybe the site is down."); if (weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostop'}) ) { $feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"}++; if ($feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"} >= weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostop'}) ) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg stop $data"); $feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"} = 0; } } $partial_feed{"$data"} = ""; } elsif ($return_code == weechat::WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_RUNNING) { # handle multiple callbacks. Long feeds $partial_feed{"$data"} .= $out; return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } elsif ($return_code == 0 && $out) { my $feed; if ($partial_feed{"$data"} ne "") { $partial_feed{"$data"} .= $out; if ($partial_feed{"$data"} !~ /\<\?xml version=/) { # RSS feeds have and tags weechat::print("", weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME: Feed with name \"$data\" does not appear to be an RSS/Atom feed. The fetched document is not a valid feed."); if (weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostop'}) ) { $feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"}++; if ($feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"} >= weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostop'}) ) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg stop $data"); $feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"} = 0; } } $partial_feed{"$data"} = ""; return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } else { $feed = XML::FeedPP->new($partial_feed{"$data"}, -type => 'string', utf8_flag => 1); $partial_feed{"$data"} = ""; } } else { if ($out !~ /\<\?xml version=/) { # Atom feeds have tag weechat::print("", weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME: Feed with name \"$data\" does not appear to be an RSS/RDF/Atom feed. The fetched document is not a valid feed."); if (weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostop'}) ) { $feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"}++; if ($feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"} >= weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostop'}) ) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg stop $data"); $feeds{"$data"}{"autostop"} = 0; } } $partial_feed{"$data"} = ""; return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } else { $feed = XML::FeedPP->new($out, -type => 'string', utf8_flag => 1); $partial_feed{"$data"} = ""; } } if ($feed ne "") { my $articles = ""; # articles: newest first; $headline_:_$url my $tmpdir = tmp_dir(); if (-e $tmpdir.$data.".xml") { my $old = XML::FeedPP->new($tmpdir.$data.".xml", -type => 'file', utf8_flag => 1); $feed->merge($old); $feed->normalize(); $feed->limit_item(weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'max_headlines'})); my (@old, @new, @unseen); foreach my $item ($old->get_item()) { push @old, $item->title(); } foreach my $item ($feed->get_item()) { push @new, $item->title(); } @unseen=grep!${{map{$_,1}@old}}{$_},@new; # remove old from new foreach my $unseen (@unseen) { # my $unseen my $item = $feed->match_item(title => qr/\Q$unseen\E/); if ($item && $item->title() =~ /\Q$unseen\E/) { my $title = clean_item($item->title()); $title =~ s/&#(\d+);/pack("U",$1)/ge; $title =~ s/&(\w+\d*);/$entity2char{$1} if (exists $entity2char{$1})/ge; $articles .= $title . "_:_" . clean_item($item->link()) . "\n"; } else { weechat::print("", clean_item($item->title())); } } } else { if (weechat::config_boolean($config{'options'}{'show_on_start'})) { $feed->normalize(); $feed->limit_item(weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'max_headlines'})); foreach my $item ($feed->get_item()) { my $title = clean_item($item->title()); $title =~ s/&#(\d+);/pack("U",$1)/ge; $title =~ s/&(\w+\d*);/$entity2char{$1} if (exists $entity2char{$1})/ge; $articles .= $title . "_:_" . clean_item($item->link()) . "\n"; } } } $feed->to_file($tmpdir.$data.".xml"); if ($articles ne "") { print_feeds($data, $articles); } } else { weechat::print("", weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME: Error: failed to parse feed: $data\nTry restarting the feed in a couple minutes."); weechat::command("", "/rssagg stop $data"); } $partial_feed{"$data"} = ""; # reset $partial_feed } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # hooked timer sub timer_cb { # hook process_hashtable to fetch feed my ($data, $remaining) = @_; my $url = weechat::config_string($feeds{"$data"}{'link'}); if (exists $feeds{"$data"}{'cookie'}) { my $cookie = weechat::config_string($feeds{"$data"}{'cookie'}); if ($url =~ /^https/) { weechat::hook_process_hashtable("url:$url", { "ssl_verifypeer" => 0, "cookie" => $cookie }, weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'timeout'}) * 1000, "process_cb", $data); } else { weechat::hook_process_hashtable("url:$url", { "cookie" => $cookie }, weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'timeout'}) * 1000, "process_cb", $data); } } else { if ($url =~ /^https/) { weechat::hook_process_hashtable("url:$url", { "ssl_verifypeer" => 0 }, weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'timeout'}) * 1000, "process_cb", $data); } else { weechat::hook_process("url:$url", weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'timeout'}) * 1000, "process_cb", $data); } } $feeds{"$data"}{'last_call'} = strftime "%H:%M", localtime; if ($rsslist_buffer ne "") { # update rsslist window @feeds = sort(@feeds); refresh_feed_line($data); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # hooked autostart timer sub autostart_cb { my ($feed, $remaining) = @_; unless (exists $feeds{"$feed"}{'timer'}) { $partial_feed{"$feed"} = ""; timer_cb($feed); $feeds{"$feed"}{'timer'} = weechat::hook_timer(weechat::config_integer($feeds{"$feed"}{'delay'}) * 60000, 0, 0, "timer_cb", $feed); refresh_feed_line($feed); } delete $feeds{"$feed"}{'autostart'} if (exists $feeds{"$feed"}{'autostart'}); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # hooked config options sub config_cb { my ($data, $option, $value) = @_; return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK if ($option !~ /^rssagg\./); if ($option =~ /^rssagg\.color/) { if ($option !~ /(color\.item|color\.link)$/) { if ($option =~ /rssagg.color.buffer_title_running/) { set_buffer_title(); } else { refresh_full(); } } } elsif ($option =~ /^rssagg\.engine/) { if ($option =~ /\.temp_dir$/) { create_tmp_dir(); my $new_temp_dir = tmp_dir(); # move all files to new dir use File::Copy qw(move); my @files = <$temp_dir*.xml>; foreach (@files) { my $file = $_; $file =~ s/^\Q$temp_dir\E/$new_temp_dir/; move($_, $file); } $temp_dir = $new_temp_dir; } } elsif ($option =~ /^rssagg\.look/) { if ($option =~ /bar_prefix_align/) { # update bar if ($rssagg_bar ne "") { weechat::bar_item_update("rssagg"); } } if ($option =~ /\.buffer_highlight_strings$/) { weechat::buffer_set($rssagg_buffer, "highlight_words", "$value"); } if ($option =~ /\.filter_mode/) { # m=normal/reverse my $filter_string = filter_string(); if ($filter_string ne "") { $filter_string =~ s/!//g; weechat::command($rssagg_buffer, "f $filter_string"); } set_buffer_title(); } if ($option =~ /\.output$/) { if ($value eq "bar") { # changing to bar $rssagg_buffer = weechat::buffer_search("perl", "rssagg"); if ($rssagg_buffer ne "") { weechat::buffer_close($rssagg_buffer); # destroy buffer } bar_create(); # create bar if (weechat::config_boolean($config{'options'}{'bar_autoscroll'})) { #autoscroll bar weechat::command("", "/bar scroll rssagg * ye"); } } elsif ($value eq "buffer") { bar_destroy(); # destroy bar buffer_create_agg(); # create agg buffer set_buffer_title(); # set agg buffer title weechat::print($rssagg_buffer, "$_") for @buffer_lines; # update agg buffer } } if ($option =~ /show_in_hotlist$/) { if ($rssagg_buffer ne "") { my $notify = 0; $notify = 1 if ($value eq "on"); weechat::buffer_set($rssagg_buffer, "notify", "$notify"); } } } else { # all other option changes affect feed. restart if running my @opts = split /\./, $option; if ($opts[2]) { $opts[2] =~ s/_delay$//; for (0..$#feeds) { if ($opts[2] eq "$feeds[$_]") { refresh_line($_); } } if (exists $feeds{"$opts[2]"}{'timer'}) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg restart $opts[2]"); } } } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # hooked command completion sub command_completion_cb { my ($data, $completion_item, $buffer, $completion) = @_; if (@feeds) { foreach my $feed (@feeds) { weechat::hook_completion_list_add($completion, "$feed", 0, weechat::WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # hooked command callback sub command_rss { my ($data, $buffer, @args) = ($_[0], $_[1], split " ", $_[2], 4); my $hdata = weechat::hdata_get("buffer"); # get buffer name my $buffer_name = weechat::hdata_string($hdata, $buffer, "name"); if (!$args[0] || $args[0] eq "list") { if (@feeds) { # list feeds buffer_create_list(); # create free buffer refresh_full(); if ($rsslist_buffer ne "") { # set to active buffer weechat::buffer_set($rsslist_buffer, "display", "1"); } } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: No feeds added yet."); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } if ($args[0] eq "last") { if (@buffer_lines) { if ($args[1] && ($args[1] =~ /^\d+$/)) { my $last = weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'buffer_max_headlines'}); $last = $args[1] if ($args[1] < $last); for (my $i = scalar @buffer_lines - $last; $i <= $#buffer_lines; $i++) { weechat::print($buffer, "$buffer_lines[$i]"); } } else { weechat::print($buffer, "$_") for @buffer_lines; } } } if ($args[0] eq "add") { if ($args[2]) { if (weechat::config_search_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'feeds'}, "$args[1]")) { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: Feed already exists. You must remove the old feed before adding a new one with the same name."); } else { # add the options push @feeds, $args[1]; @feeds = sort(@feeds); $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'link'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'feeds'}, "$args[1]", "string", "This is the link to the feed", "", 0, 0, "$args[2]", "$args[2]", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); my $delay = weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'default_delay'}); $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'delay'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'feeds'}, $args[1]."_delay", "integer", "Feed fetch delay (mins).", "", 10, 720, "$delay", "$delay", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); weechat::print($buffer, "New feed added: $args[1] $args[2]") if ($buffer_name ne "rsslist"); if (weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostart_on_add'})) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg start $args[1]"); } set_buffer_title(); refresh_full(); } } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: You must supply a name and link to add a feed."); } } if ($args[0] eq "cookie") { if ($args[1]) { if (exists $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'link'}) { if ($args[2]) { if (exists $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'cookie'}) { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: Feed already has a cookie set."); } else { # add cookie option $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'cookie'} = weechat::config_new_option($config_file, $config{'sections'}{'cookies'}, "$args[1]", "string", "Cookie to send when fetching feed.", "", 0, 0, "$args[2]", "$args[2]", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "",); weechat::print($buffer, "Cookie added to feed: $args[1]. You need to restart the feed for changes to take effect.") if ($buffer_name ne "rsslist"); refresh_feed_line($args[1]); } } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: You must supply a value for the cookie."); } } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: Feed does not exist."); } } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: You must supply a feed name to add a cookie too."); } } if ($args[0] eq "del") { if ($args[1]) { if (exists $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'link'}) { # delete feed options weechat::config_option_unset($feeds{"$args[1]"}{'link'}); weechat::config_option_unset($feeds{"$args[1]"}{'delay'}); if (exists $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'cookie'}) { weechat::config_option_unset($feeds{"$args[1]"}{'cookie'}); } my $rc = weechat::WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_REMOVED; # remove trigger from trigger array and config hash, unhoook timer weechat::print_y($rsslist_buffer, $#feeds, "") if ($rsslist_buffer ne "");#; @feeds = grep !/\Q$args[1]\E\z/, @feeds; @feeds = sort(@feeds); weechat::unhook($feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'}) if (exists $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'}); delete $feeds{"$args[1]"}; weechat::print($buffer, "Deleted Feed: $args[1]") if ($buffer_name ne "rsslist"); set_buffer_title(); weechat::command($rsslist_buffer, "/close") unless ($feeds[0]); refresh_full(); } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: Cannot find feed: $args[1]"); } } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: You must supply a feed name to delete."); } } if ($args[0] eq "start") { if ($args[1]) { if (exists $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'}) { # timer object exists print already started weechat::print("", "Feed is already running: $args[1]"); } elsif (exists $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'link'}) { $partial_feed{"$args[1]"} = ""; timer_cb($args[1]); # hook process for initial feed fetch # hook timer $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'} = weechat::hook_timer(weechat::config_integer($feeds{"$args[1]"}{'delay'}) * 60000, 0, 0, "timer_cb", $args[1]); weechat::print($buffer, "Started feed: $args[1]") if ($buffer_name ne "rsslist"); set_buffer_title(); refresh_feed_line($args[1]); if (exists $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'autostart'}) { weechat::unhook($feeds{"$args[1]"}{'autostart'}); delete $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'autostart'}; } } else { weechat::print($buffer, "Cannot find feed: $args[1]"); } } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: You must supply a feed name to start, or \"all\" to start all feeds."); } } if ($args[0] eq "stop") { if ($args[1]) { if (exists $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'}) { weechat::unhook($feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'}); # unhook timer # destroy feed timer delete $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'}; delete $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'last_call'}; delete $partial_feed{"$args[1]"}; clean_tmp("$args[1]"); weechat::print($buffer, "Stopped feed: $args[1]") if ($buffer_name ne "rsslist"); set_buffer_title(); refresh_feed_line($args[1]); } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: Timer does not exists for feed: $args[1]"); } } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: You must supply a feed name to stop, or \"all\" to stop all feeds."); } } if ($args[0] eq "restart") { if ($args[1]) { if (exists $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'}) { # restart the feed weechat::unhook($feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'}); delete $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'}; delete $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'last_call'}; timer_cb($args[1]); # hook process for initial feed fetch # hook timer $feeds{"$args[1]"}{'timer'} = weechat::hook_timer(weechat::config_integer($feeds{"$args[1]"}{'delay'}) * 60000, 0, 0, "timer_cb", $args[1]); weechat::print($buffer, "Started feed: $args[1]") if ($buffer_name ne "rsslist"); set_buffer_title(); refresh_feed_line($args[1]); } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: Feed is not running.") if ($buffer_name ne "rsslist"); } } else { weechat::print($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."$SCRIPT_NAME Error: You must supply a feed name to restart."); } } if ($args[0] eq "**up") { if ($current_line > 0) { $current_line--; refresh_line($current_line + 1); refresh_line($current_line); line_outside_window(); } } if ($args[0] eq "**down") { if ($current_line < $#feeds) { $current_line++; refresh_line($current_line - 1); refresh_line($current_line); line_outside_window(); } } if ($args[0] eq "**left") { weechat::command($rsslist_buffer, "/window scroll_horiz ".get_window_number()."-".weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'scroll_horiz'})."%"); } if ($args[0] eq "**right") { weechat::command($rsslist_buffer, "/window scroll_horiz ".get_window_number().weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'scroll_horiz'})."%"); } if ($args[0] eq "**scroll_top") { my $old_current_line = $current_line; $current_line = 0; refresh_line($old_current_line); refresh_line($current_line); weechat::command($rsslist_buffer, "/window scroll_top ".get_window_number()); } if ($args[0] eq "**scroll_bottom") { my $old_current_line = $current_line; $current_line = $#feeds; refresh_line($old_current_line); refresh_line($current_line); weechat::command($rsslist_buffer, "/window scroll_bottom ".get_window_number()); } if ($args[0] eq "**close") { weechat::command($rsslist_buffer, "/close"); } if ($args[0] eq "**del") { weechat::command("", "/rssagg del $feeds[$current_line]"); } if ($args[0] eq "**restart") { weechat::command("", "/rssagg restart $feeds[$current_line]"); } if ($args[0] eq "**toggle") { if (exists $feeds{"$feeds[$current_line]"}{'timer'}) { weechat::command("", "/rssagg stop $feeds[$current_line]"); } else { weechat::command("", "/rssagg start $feeds[$current_line]"); } set_buffer_title(); refresh_line($current_line); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } ######################### Hooks ######################### weechat::hook_config("rssagg.*", "config_cb", ""); weechat::hook_completion("rssagg_feeds", "List of RSS feeds", "command_completion_cb", ""); weechat::hook_command($SCRIPT_NAME, $SCRIPT_DESC, # command, command description "last || list || add || cookie || del || restart || start || stop ", # args " last: Show last n number of feeds in current buffer (defaults to rssagg.look.buffer_max_headlines)\n". " list: List all feeds (you must have at least one feed)\n". # args description " add: Add a new feed\n". " cookie: Add a cookie to a feed\n". " del: Delete an existing feed\n". "restart: Restart a running feed\n". " start: Start an existing feed\n". " stop: Stop a running feed\n\n". "Without argument, this command opens a buffer with list of feeds.\n\n". "On rsslist buffer, the possible status for each feed are:\n". " r C\n". " | |\n". " | cookie\n". " running\n\n". "Keys on rsslist buffer:\n". " alt+d delete feed\n". " alt+r restart a feed\n". " alt+t toggle a feed on or off\n\n". "Input allowed on rsslist buffer:\n". " d/r action on named feed (same as keys above)\n". " a add a new feed\n". " c add a cookie to a feed\n". " q close buffer\n". " s start a feed\n". " z stop a feed\n\n". "Input allowed on rssagg buffer:\n". " a/c/d/r/s/z action on named feed (same as input above)\n". " f filter lines containing string(s)\n". " l show rsslist buffer\n". " m change \"rssagg.look.filter_mode\"\n\n". "Examples:\n". " list all feeds, their status, and their link:\n". " /rssagg list\n". " add a new feed with name \"feed1\" and link \"http://www.myfeed.com\":\n". " /rssagg add feed1 http://www.myfeed.com\n". " add a cookie to an existing feed with name \"feed1\":\n". " /rssagg cookie feed1 uid=1234;pass=abc123efg456;\n". " delete an existing feed with name \"feed1\":\n". " /rssagg del feed1\n". " restart an already running feed:\n". " /rssagg restart feed1\n". " start a feed with name \"feed2\":\n". " /rssagg start feed2\n". " stop a running feed with name \"feed2\":\n". " /rssagg stop feed2", "last * %-|| list %-|| add * * %-|| cookie %(rssagg_feeds) * %-|| del %(rssagg_feeds) %-|| restart %(rssagg_feeds) %-|| start %(rssagg_feeds) %-|| stop %(rssagg_feeds) %-", # completion "command_rss", ""); # callback, callback data ######################### STARTUP ######################### create_tmp_dir(); clean_tmp("all"); $temp_dir = tmp_dir(); if (weechat::config_string($config{'options'}{'output'}) eq "bar") { bar_create(); } else { buffer_create_agg(); set_buffer_title(); } ## start initial feeds if (weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostart_on_load'})) { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#feeds; $i++) { if ($feeds[$i]) { my $interval = $i * 60000 * weechat::config_integer($config{'options'}{'autostart_delay'}) + 1; $feeds{"$feeds[$i]"}{'autostart'} = weechat::hook_timer($interval, 0, 1, "autostart_cb", $feeds[$i]); } } }