# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2013-2017 by nils_2 # # add/del channel(s) to/from autojoin option # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # idea by azizLIGHTS # # 2017-01-06: nils_2, (freenode.#weechat) # 0.6 : fix problem with non existing server (reported by Niols) # 2016-12-19: nils_2, (freenode.#weechat) # 0.5 : fix problem with empty autojoin (reported by Caelum) # 2016-06-05: nils_2, (freenode.#weechat) # 0.4 : make script python3 compatible # 2015-11-14: nils_2, (freenode.#weechat) # 0.3 : fix: problem with (undef) option # 2014-01-19: nils_2, (freenode.#weechat) # 0.2 : fix: adding keys to already existing keys failed # 2013-12-22: nils_2, (freenode.#weechat) # 0.1 : initial release # # requires: WeeChat version 0.3.x # # Development is currently hosted at # https://github.com/weechatter/weechat-scripts try: import weechat,re except Exception: print("This script must be run under WeeChat.") print("Get WeeChat now at: http://www.weechat.org/") quit() SCRIPT_NAME = "autojoinem" SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "nils_2 " SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.6" SCRIPT_LICENSE = "GPL" SCRIPT_DESC = "add/del channel(s) to/from autojoin option" OPTIONS = { 'sorted' : ('off','channels will be sorted in autojoin-option. if autojoin-option contains channel-keys, this option will be ignored.'), } def add_autojoin_cmd_cb(data, buffer, args): if args == "": # no args given. quit return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK argv = args.strip().split(' ') # if (len(argv) <= 1): # weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: too few arguments." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) # return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_server') # current server channel = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_channel') # current channel buf_type = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_type') # only "add " given by user if (len(argv) == 2): weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: invalid number of arguments." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # '-key' keyword in command line? if '-key' in argv: found_key_word = argv.index('-key') key_words = argv[int(found_key_word)+1:] # don't use "-key" in argv argv = argv[:int(found_key_word)] # ADD argument if (argv[0].lower() == 'add'): # add current channel to autojoin. Only option "add" was given.. if (len(argv) == 1): if server == "" or channel == "" or server == channel or buf_type == "" or buf_type != 'channel': weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: current buffer is not a channel buffer." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK list_of_channels, list_of_current_keys = get_autojoin_list(buffer,server) # no channels in option! if list_of_channels == 1 and list_of_current_keys == 1: ptr_config_autojoin = weechat.config_get('irc.server.%s.autojoin' % server) rc = weechat.config_option_set(ptr_config_autojoin,channel,1) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if channel in list_of_channels: weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: channel '%s' already in autojoin for server '%s'" % (weechat.prefix("error"),SCRIPT_NAME,channel,server)) else: # first char of channel '#' ? if channel[0] == '#': if '-key' in args and len(key_words) > 1: weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: too many key(s) for given channel(s) " % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK elif '-key' in args and len(key_words) == 1: list_of_channels.insert(0,channel) list_of_current_keys = ','.join(key_words) # strip leading ',' if list_of_current_keys[0] == ',': list_of_current_keys = list_of_current_keys.lstrip(',') else: list_of_channels.append(channel) if not set_autojoin_list(server,list_of_channels, list_of_current_keys): weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: set new value for option failed..." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) # server and channels given by user elif (len(argv) >= 3): server = argv[1] list_of_channels = argv[2:] if '-key' in args and len(list_of_channels) < len(key_words): weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: too many key(s) for given channel(s) " % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK list_of_current_channels,list_of_current_keys = get_autojoin_list(buffer,server) # autojoin option is empty if list_of_current_channels == 1: # no channel -> no key! list_of_current_keys = "" if '-key' in args: list_of_current_keys = ','.join(key_words) # strip leading ',' if list_of_current_keys[0] == ',': list_of_current_keys = list_of_current_keys.lstrip(',') if not set_autojoin_list(server,list_of_channels, list_of_current_keys): weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: set new value for option failed..." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) else: if '-key' in args: j = 0 new_keys = [] list_of_new_keys = [] for i in list_of_channels: if i not in list_of_current_channels and j <= len(key_words): # weechat.prnt(buffer,"channel: %s, channel key is: '%s'" % (i,key_words[j])) list_of_current_channels.insert(j,i) new_keys.insert(j,key_words[j]) j += 1 missing_channels = list_of_current_channels list_of_new_keys = ','.join(new_keys) if list_of_current_keys: list_of_current_keys = list_of_new_keys + ',' + list_of_current_keys else: list_of_current_keys = list_of_new_keys # strip leading ',' if list_of_current_keys[0] == ',': list_of_current_keys = list_of_current_keys.lstrip(',') else: # check given channels with channels already set in option missing_channels = get_difference(list_of_channels,list_of_current_channels) missing_channels = list_of_current_channels + missing_channels if not set_autojoin_list(server,missing_channels, list_of_current_keys): weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: set new value for option failed..." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # DEL argument if (argv[0].lower() == 'del'): # del current channel from autojoin. Only option "del" was given.. if (len(argv) == 1): if server == "" or channel == "" or server == channel or buf_type == "" or buf_type != 'channel': weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: current buffer is not a channel buffer." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK list_of_channels, list_of_keys = get_autojoin_list(buffer,server) # no channels in option, nothing to delete if list_of_channels == 1 and list_of_current_keys == 1: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if channel not in list_of_channels: weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: channel '%s' not found in autojoin for server '%s'" % (weechat.prefix("error"),SCRIPT_NAME,channel,server)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK else: # first char of channel '#' ? if channel[0] == '#': channel_key_index = list_of_channels.index(channel) if not list_of_keys: list_of_channels.remove(list_of_channels[channel_key_index]) list_of_current_keys = '' else: list_of_keys_tup = list_of_keys.split(",") list_of_current_keys = list_of_keys # channel does not have a key (position of channel > number of keys!) if channel_key_index + 1 > len(list_of_keys_tup): list_of_channels.remove(list_of_channels[channel_key_index]) # remove channel and key from autjoin option else: list_of_channels.remove(list_of_channels[channel_key_index]) list_of_keys_tup.remove(list_of_keys_tup[channel_key_index]) # does a key exists, after removing? if len(list_of_keys_tup) > 0: list_of_current_keys = ','.join(list_of_keys_tup) # strip leading ',' if list_of_current_keys[0] == ',': list_of_current_keys = list_of_current_keys.lstrip(',') else: # all keys deleted list_of_current_keys = '' # unset option if everything is gone. if not list_of_channels and not list_of_current_keys: ptr_config_autojoin = weechat.config_get('irc.server.%s.autojoin' % server) if ptr_config_autojoin: rc = weechat.config_option_unset(ptr_config_autojoin) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if not set_autojoin_list(server,list_of_channels, list_of_current_keys): weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: set new value for option failed..." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) # server and channels given by user elif (len(argv) >= 3): server = argv[1] list_of_current_channels,list_of_current_keys = get_autojoin_list(buffer,server) # autojoin option is empty if list_of_current_channels == 1: weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: nothing to delete..." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK else: list_of_channels = args.split(" ")[2:] if list_of_current_keys: list_of_current_keys_tup = list_of_current_keys.split(",") else: list_of_current_keys_tup = '' for i in list_of_channels: # check if given channel is in list of options if not i in list_of_current_channels: continue channel_key_index = list_of_current_channels.index(i) # channel does not have a key (position of channel > number of keys!) if channel_key_index + 1 > len(list_of_current_keys_tup): list_of_current_channels.remove(i) # if len(list_of_current_channels) <= 0: # list_of_current_channels = '' else: # remove channel and key from autjoin option list_of_current_channels.remove(i) list_of_current_keys_tup.remove(list_of_current_keys_tup[channel_key_index]) # does an key exists, after removing? if len(list_of_current_keys_tup) > 0: list_of_current_keys = ','.join(list_of_current_keys_tup) # strip leading ',' if list_of_current_keys[0] == ',': list_of_current_keys = list_of_current_keys.lstrip(',') else: # all keys deleted list_of_current_keys = '' # for j in list_of_current_channels: # weechat.prnt(buffer,"chan:%s" % j) # for j in list_of_current_keys_tup: # weechat.prnt(buffer,"key :%s" % j) # unset option if everything is gone. if not list_of_current_channels and not list_of_current_keys: ptr_config_autojoin = weechat.config_get('irc.server.%s.autojoin' % server) if ptr_config_autojoin: rc = weechat.config_option_unset(ptr_config_autojoin) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if not set_autojoin_list(server,list_of_current_channels, list_of_current_keys): weechat.prnt(buffer,"%s%s: set new value for option failed..." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME)) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def get_difference(list1, list2): return list(set(list1).difference(set(list2))) # returns a list of channels and a list of keys # 1 = something failed, 0 = channel found def get_autojoin_list(buffer,server): ptr_config_autojoin = weechat.config_get('irc.server.%s.autojoin' % server) # option not found! server does not exist if not ptr_config_autojoin: weechat.prnt("","%s%s: server '%s' does not exist." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME,server)) return 1,1 # get value from autojoin option channels = weechat.config_string(ptr_config_autojoin) if not channels: return 1,1 # check for keys if len(re.findall(r" ", channels)) == 0: list_of_channels = channels.split(",") list_of_keys = [] elif len(re.findall(r" ", channels)) == 1: list_of_channels2,list_of_keys = channels.split(" ") list_of_channels = list_of_channels2.split(",") else: weechat.prnt("","%s%s: irc.server.%s.autojoin not valid..." % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME,server)) return 1,1 return list_of_channels, list_of_keys def set_autojoin_list(server,list_of_channels, list_of_keys): ptr_config_autojoin = weechat.config_get('irc.server.%s.autojoin' % server) if not ptr_config_autojoin: return 0 if OPTIONS['sorted'].lower() == 'on' and not list_of_keys: # no keys, sort the channel-list channels = '%s' % ','.join(sorted(list_of_channels)) else: # don't sort channel-list with given key channels = '%s' % ','.join(list_of_channels) # strip leading ',' if channels[0] == ',': channels = channels.lstrip(',') # add keys to list of channels if list_of_keys: channels = '%s %s' % (channels,list_of_keys) rc = weechat.config_option_set(ptr_config_autojoin,channels,1) if not rc: return 0 return 1 def autojoinem_completion_cb(data, completion_item, buffer, completion): # server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_server') # current buffer input_line = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'input') # get information out of the input_line argv = input_line.strip().split(" ",3) if (len(argv) >= 3 and argv[1] == 'del'): server = argv[2] list_of_channels,list_of_keys = get_autojoin_list(buffer,server) if list_of_channels == 1: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if (len(argv) >= 4 and argv[1] == 'del'): list_of_current_channels = argv[3].split(' ') missing_channels = get_difference(list_of_channels,list_of_current_channels) if not missing_channels: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK list_of_channels = missing_channels for i, elem in enumerate(list_of_channels): weechat.hook_completion_list_add(completion, list_of_channels[i], 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # ================================[ weechat options & description ]=============================== def init_options(): for option,value in OPTIONS.items(): weechat.config_set_desc_plugin(option, '%s (default: "%s")' % (value[1], value[0])) if not weechat.config_is_set_plugin(option): weechat.config_set_plugin(option, value[0]) OPTIONS[option] = value[0] else: OPTIONS[option] = weechat.config_get_plugin(option) def toggle_refresh(pointer, name, value): global OPTIONS option = name[len('plugins.var.python.' + SCRIPT_NAME + '.'):] # get optionname OPTIONS[option] = value # save new value return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # ================================[ main ]=============================== if __name__ == "__main__": if weechat.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, '', ''): version = weechat.info_get("version_number", "") or 0 weechat.hook_command(SCRIPT_NAME,SCRIPT_DESC, 'add [[ ...]] | [-key [...]] ||' 'del [[ ...]]', 'add : add channel to irc.server..autojoin\n' ' -key : name of channelkey\n' 'del : del channel from irc.server..autojoin\n' '\n' 'Examples:\n' ' add current channel to corresponding server option:\n' ' /' + SCRIPT_NAME + ' add\n' ' add all channels from all server to corresponding server option:\n' ' /allchan /' + SCRIPT_NAME + ' add\n' ' add channel #weechat to autojoin option on server freenode:\n' ' /' + SCRIPT_NAME + ' add freenode #weechat\n' ' add channel #weechat and #weechat-de to autojoin option on server freenode, with channel key for channel #weechat:\n' ' /' + SCRIPT_NAME + ' add freenode #weechat #weechat-de -key my_channel_key\n' ' del channels #weechat and #weechat-de from autojoin option on server freenode:\n' ' /' + SCRIPT_NAME + ' del freenode #weechat #weechat-de', 'add %(irc_servers) %(irc_server_channels)|%*||' 'del %(irc_servers) %(plugin_autojoinem)|%*', 'add_autojoin_cmd_cb', '') init_options() weechat.hook_completion('plugin_autojoinem', 'autojoin_completion', 'autojoinem_completion_cb', '') weechat.hook_config('plugins.var.python.' + SCRIPT_NAME + '.*', 'toggle_refresh', '') # if int(version) >= 0x00030600: # else: # weechat.prnt("","%s%s %s" % (weechat.prefix("error"),SCRIPT_NAME,": needs version 0.3.6 or higher")) # weechat.command("","/wait 1ms /python unload %s" % SCRIPT_NAME)