use strict; use Encode qw(encode_utf8); weechat::register( 'autonickprefix', 'Juerd <>', '1.00', 'PD', "Change 'nick: ' prefix if the nick is changed while you're still editing.", '', '' ); # This is a port of the Irssi script, the main difference # being that WeeChat has an input *per buffer*, so the script needs to iterate # over the buffers instead of just the current one, because there could be # multiple messages waiting to be sent. sub nick_changed { my (undef, $server, $args) = @_; $server = (split /,/, $server)[0]; my ($oldnick, $newnick) = $args =~ /\:(.*)\!(?:.*)\:(.*)/ or return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; my $hdata = weechat::hdata_get("buffer"); my $buffer = weechat::hdata_get_list($hdata, "gui_buffers"); my $char = weechat::config_get('completion.nick_completer'); while ($buffer) { weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer,'localvar_server') eq $server or next; my $pos = weechat::buffer_get_integer($buffer, 'input_pos'); my $input = weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, 'input'); $pos >= length("$oldnick$char") or next; $input =~ s/^\Q$oldnick$char/$newnick$char/ or next; my $delta = length($newnick) - length($oldnick); weechat::buffer_set($buffer, "input", $input); weechat::buffer_set($buffer, "input_pos", $pos + $delta); } continue { $buffer = weechat::hdata_pointer($hdata, $buffer, "next_buffer"); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } weechat::hook_signal("*,irc_in_nick", "nick_changed", "");