# Copyright (c) 2009-2018 by Nils Görs # # waiting for hotlist to change and then execute a user specified command # or writes the hotlist to screen title. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # I am using this script to display the hotlist with STDIN plasmoid on # KDE desktop. # http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/STDIN+Plasmoid?content=92309 # # Script inspirated and tested by LaoLang_cool # # 0.9 : add eval_expression() for format options # 0.8 : escape special characters in hotlist (arza) # 0.7 : using %h for weechat-dir instead of hardcoded path in script (flashcode) # 0.6 : new option "use_title" to print hotlist in screen title. # 0.5 : lot of internal changes # 0.4 : highlight_char can be set as often as you want # : merged buffer will be displayed once # : more than one metachar-highlight produced a perl error # 0.3 : usersettings won't be loaded, sorry! :-( # : added a more complex sort routine (from important to unimportant and also numeric) # : added options: "delimiter", "priority_remove" and "hotlist_remove_format" use strict; my $SCRIPT_NAME = "hotlist2extern"; my $SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.9"; my $SCRIPT_DESC = "Give hotlist to an external file/program/screen title"; my $SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Nils Görs "; # default values my %options = ( "hotlist_format" => "%H%N:%S", "hotlist_remove_format" => ":%S", "external_command_hotlist" => "echo WeeChat Act: %X >%h/hotlist_output.txt", "external_command_hotlist_empty" => "echo \'WeeChat: no activity \' >%h/hotlist_output.txt", "highlight_char" => "*", "lowest_priority" => "0", "priority_remove" => "0", "delimiter" => ",", "use_title" => "on", ); my $weechat_dir = ""; my $res = ""; my $res2 = ""; my $priority = 0; my @table = (); my $table = ""; sub hotlist_changed{ my ($data, $buffer, $args) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); # save callback from hook_signal @table = (); $table = ""; my $current_buffer = weechat::current_buffer; # get current buffer my $hotlist = weechat::infolist_get("hotlist","",""); # Pointer to Infolist while (weechat::infolist_next($hotlist)) { $priority = weechat::infolist_integer($hotlist, "priority"); $res = $options{hotlist_format}; # save hotlist format $res2 = $options{external_command_hotlist}; # save external_hotlist format my $plugin_name = weechat::infolist_string($hotlist,"plugin_name"); my $buffer_name = weechat::infolist_string($hotlist,"buffer_name"); my $buffer_number = weechat::infolist_integer($hotlist,"buffer_number"); # get number of buffer my $buffer_pointer = weechat::infolist_pointer($hotlist, "buffer_pointer"); # Pointer to buffer my $short_name = weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer_pointer, "short_name"); # get short_name of buffer unless ($priority < $options{lowest_priority}){ create_output($buffer_number, $short_name); } } weechat::infolist_free($hotlist); $table = @table; if ($table eq 0){ unless ($options{external_command_hotlist_empty} eq ""){ # does we have a command for empty string? if ($options{use_title} eq "on"){ weechat::window_set_title(eval_expression($options{external_command_hotlist_empty})); }else{ if (grep (/\%h/,$options{external_command_hotlist_empty})){ # does %h is in string? $options{external_command_hotlist_empty} =~ s/%h/$weechat_dir/; # add weechat-dir } system(eval_expression($options{external_command_hotlist_empty})); } } } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub create_output{ my ($buffer_number, $short_name) = @_; $res = eval_expression($options{hotlist_format}); # save hotlist format $res2 = eval_expression($options{external_command_hotlist}); # save external_hotlist format if ($priority == 3){ # priority is highlight if (grep (/\%H/,$options{hotlist_format})){ # check with original!!! $res =~ s/\%H/$options{highlight_char}/g; } }else{ # priority != 3 $res =~ s/\%H//g; # remove all %H } if ($priority <= $options{priority_remove}){ $res =~ s/$options{hotlist_remove_format}//; # remove hotlist_remove_format if (grep (/\%S/,$options{hotlist_format})){ # does %S is in string? (check with original!!!) $res =~ s/%S/$short_name/; # add short_name } if (grep (/\%N/,$options{hotlist_format})){ $res =~ s/%N/$buffer_number/; # add buffer_number } }else{ if (grep (/\%S/,$options{hotlist_format})){ # does %S is in string? (check with original!!!) $res =~ s/%S/$short_name/; # add short_name } if (grep (/\%N/,$options{hotlist_format})){ $res =~ s/%N/$buffer_number/; # add buffer_number } } if ($res ne $options{hotlist_format} and $res ne ""){ # did $res changed? my $res2 = $res; # save search string. $res2=qq(\Q$res2); # kill metachars, for searching first unless (grep /^$res2$/, @table){ # does we have added $res to @table? push (@table, $res); # No, then add it to @table } } $res=qq(\Q$res); # kill metachars first if (grep /^$res$/, @table){ # does we have added $res to @table? my $export = join("$options{delimiter}", sort_routine(@table)); $export = qq(\Q$export); # escape special characters if (grep (/\%X/,$options{external_command_hotlist})){ # check for %X option. $res2 =~ s/%X/$export/; if (grep (/\%h/,$options{external_command_hotlist})){ # does %h is in string? $res2 =~ s/%h/$weechat_dir/; # add weechat-dir } if ($options{use_title} eq "on"){ weechat::window_set_title($res2); }else{ system($res2); } } } } # first sort channels with highlight, then channels with # action and the rest will be placed at the end of list sub sort_routine { my @zeilen = @_; my @sortiert = map { $_->[0] } map { [$_,(split (/\*/,$_))[1]] } @zeilen ; sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } #sort{$a<=>$b}(@zeilen); return @sortiert; } sub _extern{ my ($data) = ($_[0]); system($data) unless($data eq ""); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub eval_expression{ my ( $string ) = @_; $string = weechat::string_eval_expression($string, {}, {},{}); return $string; } sub init_config{ foreach my $option(keys %options){ if (!weechat::config_is_set_plugin($option)){ weechat::config_set_plugin($option, $options{$option}); } else{ $options{$option} = weechat::config_get_plugin($option); } } } sub toggle_config_by_set{ my ( $pointer, $name, $value ) = @_; $name = substr($name,length("plugins.var.perl.$SCRIPT_NAME."),length($name)); $options{$name} = $value; return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # first function called by a WeeChat-script. weechat::register($SCRIPT_NAME, $SCRIPT_AUTHOR, $SCRIPT_VERSION, "GPL3", $SCRIPT_DESC, "", ""); weechat::hook_command($SCRIPT_NAME, $SCRIPT_DESC, "", "This script allows you to export the hotlist to a file or screen title.\n". "use the following intern variables for the hotlist_format:\n". " %h = weechat-dir (~/.weechat), better use \${info:weechat_dir}\n". " %H = replaces with highlight_char, if a highlight message was received. For example: *\n". " %N = replaces with buffer number: 1 2 3 ....\n". " %S = replaces with short name of channel: #weechat\n". " %X = export the whole hotlist_format to your external command.\n". "\n". "configure script with: /fset plugins.var.perl.hotlist2extern\n". "print hotlist to screen title: plugins.var.perl.hotlist2extern.use_title\n". "delimiter to use : plugins.var.perl.hotlist2extern.delimiter\n". "charset for highlight message: plugins.var.perl.hotlist2extern.highlight_char\n". "message priority for hotlist_remove_format (-1 means off): plugins.var.perl.hotlist2extern.priority_remove\n". "display messages level : plugins.var.perl.hotlist2extern.lowest_priority\n". "following options are evaluated:\n". "template for display : plugins.var.perl.hotlist2extern.hotlist_format\n". "template for low priority : plugins.var.perl.hotlist2extern.hotlist_remove_format\n". "Output format : plugins.var.perl.hotlist2extern.external_command_hotlist\n". "Output format 'no activity' : plugins.var.perl.hotlist2extern.external_command_hotlist_empty\n". "", "", "", ""); init_config(); # /set $weechat_dir = weechat::info_get("weechat_dir", ""); weechat::hook_signal("hotlist_changed", "hotlist_changed", ""); weechat::hook_config( "plugins.var.perl.$SCRIPT_NAME.*", "toggle_config_by_set", "" );