# # Copyright (c) 2010-2012 by Nils Görs # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # 1.1: fix: invalid pointer for function infolist_get() # 1.0: added: allow internal WeeChat command(s) # v0.9: fixed: mem leak, infolist not removed with infolist_free() # v0.8: get_color() is now using API function weechat::info_get("irc_nick_color") # v0.7: quakenet uses different JOIN format (JOIN #channelname instead of JOIN :#channelname) # v0.6: newsbar support # : internal changes (thanks to rettub) # : added option 'block_all_buffers' # v0.5: unhook notify_me() (by rettub) # : option for external command (by rettub) # : standard command is now only display beep (by rettub) # : external command does not freeze weechat anymore # : using %N and %C for nick and channel-name # : added %S for internal server-name # : added whitelist and blacklist (suggested and code used from rettub) # : added "block_current_buffer" option # v0.4: auto completion # v0.3: $extern_command better readable and typo "toogle" instead of "toggle" removed # v0.2: variable bug removed # v0.1: first step (in perl) # # This script starts an external progam when a user JOIN a chat you are in. # possible arguments you can give to the external program: # %N : for the nick-name # %C : for the channel-name # %S : for the internal server-name # # /set plugins.var.perl.jnotify.blacklist = "jn-blacklist.txt" # /set plugins.var.perl.jnotify.whitelist = "jn-whitelist.txt" # /set plugins.var.perl.jnotify.block_current_buffer = "on" # /set plugins.var.perl.jnotify.cmd = "echo -en "\a"" # /set plugins.var.perl.jnotify.status = "on" # # Development is currently hosted at # https://github.com/weechatter/weechat-scripts use strict; #### Use your own external command here (do not forget the ";" at the end of line): my $extern_command = qq(echo -en "\a"); # examples: # playing a sound # my $extern_command = qq(play -q $HOME/sounds/hello.wav); # write to an output file. # my $extern_command = qq('echo "\"%C\" \"neuer User: %N\"">>/tmp/jnotify-`date +"%Y%m%d"`.log'); # this is my favorite. Displays weechat-logo + channel + nick using system-notification. # my $extern_command = qq(notify-send -t 9000 -i $HOME/.weechat/120px-Weechat_logo.png "\"%C\" \"neuer User: %N\"); # example to run an internal command: # /echo -b %C -level 3 %N joined channel # default values in setup file (~/.weechat/plugins.conf) my $version = "1.1"; my $prgname = "jnotify"; my $description = "starts an internal command or external program if a user or one of your buddies JOIN a channel you are in"; my $status = "status"; my $default_status = "on"; my $block_current_buffer= "off"; my $whitelist = "whitelist"; my $default_whitelist = "jn-whitelist.txt"; my $blacklist = "blacklist"; my $default_blacklist = "jn-blacklist.txt"; my $command_chars = "/"; my %Hooks = (); my %Allowed = (); my %Disallowed = (); # first function called by a WeeChat-script. weechat::register($prgname, "Nils Görs ", $version, "GPL3", $description, "", ""); # commands used by jnotify. Type: /help jnotify weechat::hook_command($prgname, $description, " | | | | | / / / [nick_1 [... nick_n]]", " $prgname between on and off\n". " tells you if $prgname is on or off\n". " toggle the 'block current channel' option on/off\n". " shows entries in whitelist\n". " shows entries in blacklist\n". " [nick(s)] add nick(s) to the whitelist\n". " [nick(s)] delete nick(s) from the whitelist\n". " [nick(s)] add nick(s) to the blacklist\n". " [nick(s)] delete nick(s) from the blacklist\n". "\n". "Options:\n". "'status' : status of $prgname (on/off)\n". "'whitelist': path/file-name to store a list of nicks, channels and servers you would like to be inform if someone joins.\n". "'blacklist': path/file-name to store a list of nicks, channels and servers you would like to ignore.\n". "'cmd' : command that should be executed if a user joins a channel you are in.\n". " '%N' will be replaced with users nick\n". " '%C' will be replaced with name of channel\n". " '%S' will be replaced with the internal server name (use '/server' to see the internal server names)\n". "to execute internal weechat command(s) you have to initiate the command line with a weechat command_char (\"/\" or weechat.look.command_chars)\n". "'block_current_buffer': if option is 'on', notices will be blocked if user joins the channel you are currently in. Other channels will be displayed.\n". "'block_all_buffers' : if option is 'on', all channels will be blocked and notification will be shown for whitelist entries only.\n". "'use_newsbar' : if option is 'on' and newsbar.pl is running notices will be printed there.\n". "\n". "Examples:\n". "Show entries in whitelist:\n". " /$prgname wl\n". "Add entries to blacklist (nick, server, channel):\n". " /$prgname bl_add nickname freenode #weechat\n". "Delete entries from whitelist (channel, nick, server):\n". " /$prgname wl_del #weechat nickname freenode\n". "Toggle option block_current_buffer (on|off):\n". " /$prgname block\n". "Set the variable for the external command (i recommend to use /iset script):\n". " /set plugins.var.perl.$prgname.cmd \"notify-send -t 9000 -i ~/.weechat/some_pic.png \"Channel: %C on Server: %S\" \"new User: %N\"\n". "Set the variable for an internal command (script /echo):\n". " /set plugins.var.perl.$prgname.cmd \"/echo -b %C -level 3 %N joined channel\"", "toggle|status|block|wl|bl|wl_add|wl_del|bl_add|bl_del", "switch", ""); init(); weechat::hook_config( "plugins.var.perl.$prgname.$status", 'toggled_by_set', "" ); # create hook_signal for IRC command JOIN hook() if (weechat::config_get_plugin($status) eq "on"); # return 0 on error sub hook{ $Hooks{notify_me} = weechat::hook_signal("*,irc_in_join", "notify_me", ""); # (servername, signal, script command, arguments) if ($Hooks{notify_me} eq '') { weechat::print("","ERROR: can't enable $prgname, hook failed "); return 0; } return 1; } sub unhook{ weechat::unhook($Hooks{notify_me}) if %Hooks; %Hooks = (); } sub _notify { my ( $server_name, $newnick, $channelname ) = @_; if ( weechat::config_get_plugin("use_newsbar") eq "on" and newsbar() ) { # option "use_newsbar" is on and newsbar is running! info2newsbar( 'lightgreen', '[JNOTIFY]', $server_name, $newnick, $channelname ); } else { my $external_command = weechat::config_get_plugin('cmd'); # get external command (user settings) $external_command =~ s/%C/$channelname/; # replace string '%C' with $channelname $external_command =~ s/%N/$newnick/; # replace string '%N' with $newnick $external_command =~ s/%S/$server_name/; # replace string '%S' with $server_name my $command_char = substr($external_command,0,1); # get first char of external command. if ( index($command_chars,$command_char) == -1) { system( $external_command . "&" ); # start external program }else{ weechat::command("",$external_command); # start internalt command } } } sub notify_me { my ( undef, $buffer, $args ) = @_; # save callback from hook_signal my $mynick = weechat::info_get( "irc_nick", split( /,/, $buffer ) ); # get current nick on a server my $newnick = weechat::info_get( "irc_nick_from_host", $args ); # get nickname from new user my ($channelname) = ( $args =~ m!.*JOIN (.*)! ); # extract channel name from hook_signal ($channelname) = ($channelname =~ m!.*:(.*)!) if ($channelname =~ m!.*:(.*)!); # ":" in channelname? my ($server_name) = split( /,/, $buffer ); # extract internal server name from hook_signal return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK if ( $mynick eq $newnick ); # did i join the channel? # If user setting "block_current_buffer" is "on" if ( weechat::config_get_plugin("block_current_buffer") eq "on" ) { return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK if ( weechat::buffer_get_string( weechat::current_buffer(), "short_name" ) eq $channelname ); } if ( exists $Allowed{$newnick} or exists $Allowed{$channelname} or exists $Allowed{$server_name} ) { # User or Channel or Buffer in Whitelist? _notify( $server_name, $newnick, $channelname ); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } elsif ( ( scalar keys %Allowed ) == 0 # whitelist empty? or exists $Disallowed{$newnick} or exists $Disallowed{$channelname} or exists $Disallowed{$server_name} # User, Channel or Server in Blacklist? ) { return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } if ( weechat::config_get_plugin("block_all_buffers") eq "off" ) { _notify( $server_name, $newnick, $channelname ); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub toggled_by_set{ my $value = $_[2]; $command_chars = weechat::config_string( weechat::config_get("weechat.look.command_chars") ) . "/"; if ($value ne 'on') { weechat::config_set_plugin($status, "off") unless ($value eq 'off') ; if (defined $Hooks{notify_me}) { weechat::print('',"$prgname disabled value: $value"); unhook(); } } else { if (not defined $Hooks{notify_me}) { weechat::print("","$prgname enabled"); weechat::config_set_plugin($status, "off") unless hook(); # fall back to 'off' if hook fails } } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub switch{ my ($getargs) = ($_[2]); my $jnotify = weechat::config_get_plugin($status); # get value from jnotify my $block_current_stat = weechat::config_get_plugin("block_current_buffer"); if ($getargs eq $status or "") { weechat::print("","Status of $prgname is : $jnotify"); # print status of jnotify weechat::print("","blocking of current buffer is: $block_current_stat"); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } if ($getargs eq "toggle"){ if ($jnotify eq "on") { weechat::config_set_plugin($status, "off"); } else { weechat::config_set_plugin($status, "on"); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } if ($getargs eq "block"){ if ($block_current_stat eq "on") { weechat::config_set_plugin("block_current_buffer", "off"); } else { weechat::config_set_plugin("block_current_buffer", "on"); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } if ($getargs eq "wl") { list_show( "whitelist", \%Allowed); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } if ($getargs eq "bl") { list_show( "blacklist", \%Disallowed); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } else { my ( $cmd, $arg ) = ( $getargs =~ /(.*?)\s+(.*)/ ); # cut cmd from nicks $cmd = $getargs unless $cmd; # check cmd "whitelist add/del" and "blacklist add/del" if ($cmd eq "wl_add") { _add("wl_add",$arg); } if ($cmd eq "wl_del") { _del("wl_del",$arg); } if ($cmd eq "bl_add") { _add("bl_add",$arg); } if ($cmd eq "bl_del") { _del("bl_del",$arg); } } } # whitelist and blacklist reader and saver (routines from rettubs query_blocker) sub whitelist_save{ list_save( "whitelist", \%Allowed, "write whitelist" ); } sub blacklist_save{ list_save( "blacklist", \%Disallowed, "write blacklist" ); } sub list_save { my ( $list, $hash_ref, $err_msg ) = @_; my $file = weechat::config_get_plugin($list); open( LIST, ">", $file ) || DEBUG("$err_msg: $!"); print LIST "$_\n" foreach ( sort { "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" } keys %$hash_ref ); close LIST; } sub list_read{ my $list = shift; my $hash_ref = shift; my $file = weechat::config_get_plugin($list); return unless -e $file; open( LIST, "<", $file ) || DEBUG("$file: $!"); while () { chomp; $hash_ref->{$_} = 1 if length $_; } close LIST; } sub list_show{ my ( $list, $hash_ref ) = @_; weechat::print( "", "$prgname: $list" ); if ( ( my $n = keys %$hash_ref ) eq "0" ) { weechat::print( "", " list is empty" ); return; } foreach ( sort { "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" } keys %$hash_ref ) { weechat::print( "", " " . $_ ); } } # add and delete nicks from white and blacklist sub _add{ my ($cmd,$args) = ($_[0],$_[1]); if (defined $args) { foreach ( split( / +/, $args ) ) { if ($cmd eq "wl_add") { $Allowed{$_} = 1; whitelist_save(); } elsif ($cmd eq "bl_add") { $Disallowed{$_} = 1; blacklist_save(); } } } else{ weechat::print("", "$prgname : There is no nick to be added."); } } sub _del{ my ($cmd,$args) = ($_[0],$_[1]); if (defined $args) { foreach ( split( / +/, $args ) ) { if ($cmd eq "wl_del" and exists $Allowed{$_}) { $Allowed{$_} = 1; delete $Allowed{$_}; weechat::print("", "$prgname: Nick ". get_color($_) . $_ . weechat::color("reset") . " removed from whitelist."); whitelist_save(); }elsif ($cmd eq "wl_del") { weechat::print("", "$prgname: Nick " . get_color($_) . $_ . weechat::color("reset") . " not in whitelist. Nothing removed."); } if ($cmd eq "bl_del" and exists $Disallowed{$_}) { $Disallowed{$_} = 1; delete $Disallowed{$_}; weechat::print("", "$prgname: Nick ". get_color($_) . $_ . weechat::color("reset") . " removed from blacklist."); blacklist_save(); }elsif ($cmd eq "bl_del") { weechat::print("", "$prgname: Nick " . get_color($_) . $_ . weechat::color("reset") . " not in blacklist. Nothing removed."); } } } else{ weechat::print("", "$prgname : There is no nick to be removed."); } } sub get_color{ my $nick_name = $_[0]; return weechat::info_get("irc_nick_color", $nick_name); } # newsbar support starts here (code by rettub) sub info2newsbar{ my ( $color, $category, $server, $nick, $channelname ) = @_; weechat::command( '', "/newsbar add --color $color $category\t" . get_color($nick) . $nick . weechat::color('reset') . '@' . get_color($server) . $server . weechat::color('reset') . weechat::color('bold') . " joined Channel: " . weechat::color('reset') . get_color($channelname) . $channelname ); } sub newsbar{ my $info_list = weechat::infolist_get( "perl_script", "", "newsbar" ); weechat::infolist_next($info_list); my $newsbar = weechat::infolist_string( $info_list, "name" ) eq 'newsbar'; weechat::infolist_free($info_list); return $newsbar if (defined $newsbar); } # newsbar support ends here sub init{ # set value of script (for example starting script the first time) weechat::config_set_plugin("cmd", $extern_command) if (weechat::config_get_plugin("cmd") eq ""); weechat::config_set_plugin($status, $default_status) if (weechat::config_get_plugin($status) eq ""); if ( weechat::config_get_plugin($whitelist) eq '' ) { my $wd = weechat::info_get( "weechat_dir", "" ); $wd =~ s/\/$//; weechat::config_set_plugin($whitelist, $wd . "/" . $default_whitelist ); } if ( weechat::config_get_plugin($blacklist) eq '' ) { my $wd = weechat::info_get( "weechat_dir", "" ); $wd =~ s/\/$//; weechat::config_set_plugin($blacklist, $wd . "/" . $default_blacklist ); } weechat::config_set_plugin("block_current_buffer", $block_current_buffer) if (weechat::config_get_plugin("block_current_buffer") eq ""); weechat::config_set_plugin("use_newsbar", "off") if (weechat::config_get_plugin("use_newsbar") eq ""); weechat::config_set_plugin("block_all_buffers", "off") if (weechat::config_get_plugin("block_all_buffers") eq ""); list_read('whitelist', \%Allowed); list_read('blacklist', \%Disallowed); $command_chars = weechat::config_string( weechat::config_get("weechat.look.command_chars") ) . "/"; } sub DEBUG {weechat::print('', "***\t" . $_[0]);}