# coding: utf-8 """ lastfm.py author: Adam Saponara desc: Sends your latest Last.fm track to the current buffer usage: /set plugins.var.python.lastfm.lastfm_username yourusername /lastfm license: GPLv3 history: 0.7 - 2016-01-29, timss Fix UnicodeEncodeError 0.6 - 2016-01-14, Lukas Martini Use Last.fm API as RSS feeds are broken 0.5 - 2014-05-07, Kromonos fixed some simple bugs 0.4 - 2011-11-21, Jimmy Zelinskie : changed default encoding to utf-8 0.3 - 2011-03-11, Sebastien Helleu : get python 2.x binary for hook_process (fix problem when python 3.x is default python version) 0.2 - using hook_process for last.fm call (prevents hang) - using ?limit=1 in last.fm call (faster, more efficient) 0.1 - initial script """ import weechat import requests weechat.register("lastfm", "Adam Saponara", "0.7", "GPL3", "Sends your latest Last.fm track to the current buffer", "", "") defaults = { "lastfm_username" : "yourusername", "command" : "/me is listening to %s" } cmd_hook_process = "" cmd_buffer = "" cmd_stdout = "" cmd_stderr = "" for k, v in defaults.iteritems(): if not weechat.config_is_set_plugin(k): weechat.config_set_plugin(k, v) def lastfm_cmd(data, buffer, args): global cmd_hook_process, cmd_buffer, cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr if cmd_hook_process != "": weechat.prnt(buffer, "Lastfm is already running!") return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK cmd_buffer = buffer cmd_stdout = "" cmd_stderr = "" python2_bin = weechat.info_get("python2_bin", "") or "python" cmd_hook_process = weechat.hook_process( python2_bin + " -c \"\n" "import sys, requests\n" "r = requests.get('https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user=%(username)s&api_key=618f9ef38b3d0fed172a88c45ae67f33&format=json&limit=1&extended=0')\n" "if not r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:\n" " print >>sys.stderr, 'Could not fetch Last.fm RSS feed.',\n" " exit()\n" "json = r.json()['recenttracks']['track'][0]\n" "print('{} – {}'.format(json['artist']['#text'].encode('utf-8'), json['name'].encode('utf-8'))),\n" "\"" % {"username" : weechat.config_get_plugin('lastfm_username')}, 10000, "lastfm_cb", "") return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def lastfm_cb(data, command, rc, stdout, stderr): global cmd_hook_process, cmd_buffer, cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr cmd_stdout += stdout cmd_stderr += stderr if int(rc) >= 0: if cmd_stderr != "": weechat.prnt(cmd_buffer, "%s" % cmd_stderr) if cmd_stdout != "": weechat.command(cmd_buffer, weechat.config_get_plugin("command") % cmd_stdout.replace('\n','')) cmd_hook_process = "" return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK hook = weechat.hook_command( "lastfm", "Sends your latest Last.fm track to the current buffer. Before using /lastfm, set your Last.fm username like this:\n\n" " /set plugins.var.python.lastfm.lastfm_username yourusername\n\n" "You can also customize the command that will be sent to the buffer like this:\n\n" " /set plugins.var.python.lastfm.command Right now I'm listening to %s\n", "", "", "", "lastfm_cmd", "")