use strict; use warnings; # – a WeeChat script that attach a new bar in query windows showing # formatted `whois` information of chat partners and keep them updated using a timer. # Copyright (C) 2018 Max Wölfing # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # TODO # - Read/store user defined variables in configuration # - Extend missing WHOIS informations and beautify output # - Better sorting mechanism for WHOIS informations (see: FIXME_SORTING) # - Maybe switch to WeeChat API for WHOIS (infolist/irc_nick) # KNOWN BUGS # - 'init_bar_item' is called 4 times, but only one time directly by this script, probably a bug in WeeChat. # -- Config -- my $bar_name = 'pv_info_bar'; my $bar_item_name = 'whois'; my $bar_item_refresh = 120; # -- Internal -- use constant DEBUG => (0); use if DEBUG, 'Data::Dumper'; my $script_name = 'pv_info'; my $script_version = '0.0.5'; my $script_description = 'Attach a new bar in query windows, showing `whois` information of chat partners'; my (%whois, %hooks); # -- Init -- weechat::register($script_name, 'Max Woelfing ', $script_version,'GPL3', $script_description,'unload_cb', ''); if ((weechat::info_get('version_number', '') // 0) < 0x00040000) { weechat::print('', "WeeChat version >= 0.4.0 is required to run $script_name"); } else { if (weechat::config_string(weechat::config_get('')) !~ m/\$\{type\} != private/) { weechat::print('','To disable the (unnecessary) '.weechat::color('yellow').'title bar'.weechat::color('default'). ' in private buffers, set: '.weechat::color('bold').''.weechat::color('default'). ' to '.weechat::color('bold').'"${type} != private"'); } weechat::bar_item_new($bar_item_name, 'init_bar_item', ''); weechat::bar_new($bar_name, 'off', '500', 'window', '${type} == private', 'top', 'vertical', 'horizontal', '0', '0', 'default', 'default', 'default', 'on', $bar_item_name); # -- Hooks -- $hooks{'sigwhois'} = weechat::hook_hsignal('irc_redirection_sigwhois_whois', 'sigwhois_cb', ''); $hooks{'timer'} = weechat::hook_timer($bar_item_refresh * 1000, 60, 0, 'trigger_update', ''); $hooks{'pv_opened'} = weechat::hook_signal('irc_pv_opened', 'sigwhois_send', ''); $hooks{'buf_switch'} = weechat::hook_signal('buffer_switch', 'sigwhois_send', ''); $hooks{'buf_closing'} = weechat::hook_signal('buffer_closing', 'buf_closing_cb', ''); weechat::print('', "$script_name loaded!"); } sub init_bar_item { my ($data, $bar_item, $window) = @_; my $buffer = weechat::window_get_pointer($window, 'buffer'); my $server = weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, 'localvar_server'); if (weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, 'localvar_type') eq 'private') { my $nick = weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, 'localvar_channel'); my $mask = "$nick\@$server"; if (weechat::info_get('irc_is_nick', $nick) eq '') { weechat::print('', weechat::prefix('network').'No nick for window found') if DEBUG; return ''; } # TODO: Get /whois info from weechat API weechat::print('', weechat::prefix('network')."bar_item initialised for Nick = $nick, Mask = $mask") if DEBUG; my $user = weechat::color('default').weechat::color('bold').'['.weechat::color('darkgray').$nick.weechat::color('default').weechat::color('bold').']'; my $str = ''; # FIXME_SORTING # Sort output of 'whois' command by name of 'whois message' (number prefix) for my $whois_msg (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %{$whois{$mask}}) { $str .= "$user $whois{$mask}{$whois_msg}" . "\n"; } # Remove spaces and/or linefeed at the end $str =~ s/\s+$//; chomp($str); # If empty, set to [$nick] if (length($str) == 0) { $str = "$user"; } return $str; } } sub sigwhois_send { my ($data, $signal, $signal_data) = @_; my $buffer; if ($signal eq 'triggered_by_timer') { $buffer = $signal_data; } else { $buffer = weechat::current_buffer(); } my $server = weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, 'localvar_server'); if (weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, 'localvar_type') eq 'private') { my $nick = weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, 'localvar_channel'); if (weechat::info_get('irc_is_nick', $nick) eq '') { return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_ERROR; } my $mask = "$nick\@$server"; if ($whois{$mask}) { weechat::print('', weechat::prefix('network')."Deleting old WHOIS info for user: $mask") if DEBUG; delete $whois{$mask}; } weechat::print('', weechat::prefix('network').'Sending whois signal..') if DEBUG; weechat::hook_hsignal_send('irc_redirect_command', { 'server' => $server, 'pattern' => 'whois', 'signal' => 'sigwhois' }); weechat::hook_signal_send('irc_input_send', weechat::WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, "$server;;1;;/whois $nick $nick"); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub sigwhois_cb { my ($data, $signal, $signal_data) = @_; my %hashtable = %{$signal_data}; weechat::print('', weechat::prefix('network').'We got an whois reply..') if DEBUG; # Sometimes IRC:311 is not the first WHOIS response and so we cannot set $mask on it, in that case we fill a generic user table, # and merge it later, but first we have to clean the room.. my $mask = '__undefined__'; if ($whois{$mask}) { delete $whois{$mask}; } my $server = $hashtable{'server'}; my $bee_user = 0; if ($server eq "bitlbee") { $bee_user = 1; } foreach my $line ($hashtable{'output'}) { weechat::print('', weechat::prefix('network')."+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n".$line."\n". weechat::prefix('network').'+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+') if DEBUG; # 275 - whois (secure connection) if ($line =~ /275 (\S+) (\S+) :(.*)/) { $whois{$mask}{'HHH_secure_connection'} = weechat::color('default').$3; } # 276 - whois (certificate fingerprint) if ($line =~ /276 (\S+) (\S+) :(.*)/) { $whois{$mask}{'III_cert_fingerprint'} = weechat::color('default').$3; } # 301 - whois (away) if ($line =~ /301 (\S+) (\S+) :(.*)/) { $whois{$mask}{'BBB_away'} = weechat::color('bold')."Away status: ".weechat::color('darkgray').$3; } # 307 - whois (registered nick) if ($line =~ /307 (.*) :user (.*)/) { $whois{$mask}{'MMM_registered'} = weechat::color('default').$2; } # 310 - whois (help mode) # 311 - whois (user) if ($line =~ /311 (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (.*) :(.*)/) { $mask = "$2\@$server"; weechat::print('', weechat::prefix('network')."Using '$mask' as '\$whois{\$mask}'") if DEBUG; $whois{$mask}{'AAA_user'} = weechat::color('white').$6. " ".weechat::color('darkgray')."(".weechat::color('88')."$2\@$4".weechat::color('darkgray').")"; } # 312 - whois (server) if ($line =~ /312 (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) :(.*)/) { $whois{$mask}{'EEE_server'} = weechat::color('default').$3." ".weechat::color('default')."(".weechat::color('bold').$4.weechat::color('default').")"; } # 313 - whois (operator) # 317 - whois (idle) if ($line =~ /317 (\S+) (\S+) (\d+) (\d+) (.*)/) { my $idle_time; my @idle_time_parts; if ($3 != 0) { @idle_time_parts = gmtime($3); $idle_time = sprintf("%d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds",@idle_time_parts[7,2,1,0]); } else { $idle_time = "No"; } my $signon = scalar localtime $4; $whois{$mask}{'LLL_idle'} = weechat::color('bold')."idle: ".weechat::color('darkgray').$idle_time.weechat::color('default').", ".weechat::color('bold')."signon at: ".weechat::color('darkgray').$signon; } # 318 - whois (end) # 319 - whois (channels) if ($line =~ /319 (\S+) (\S+) :(.*)/) { $whois{$mask}{'DDD_channels'} = weechat::color('darkgray').$3; } # 320 - whois (identified user) # FIXME if ($line =~ /320 (\S+) (\S+) :(.*)/) { my $away_msg = $3; if (length($away_msg) >= 20) { if ($away_msg =~ /^(\S+) .* as a result .* (\d* min)/) { $away_msg = "$1 (As a result of being idle more than $2)"; } } $whois{$mask}{'CCC_identified_user'} = weechat::color('bold')."Away / Status message: ".weechat::color('darkgray').$away_msg; } # 326 - whois (has oper privs) # 327 - whois (host) # 330 - whois (logged in as) if ($line =~ /330 (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) :(.*)/) { $whois{$mask}{'JJJ_logged_in_as'} = weechat::color('default').$4." ".weechat::color('bold').$3; } # 335 - whois (is a bot on) # 338 - whois (host) if ($line =~ /338 (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) :.*/) { $whois{$mask}{'KKK_host'} = weechat::color('bold')."Actual user\@host: ".weechat::color('darkgray').$3.weechat::color('default').", ".weechat::color('bold')."Actual IP: ".weechat::color('darkgray').$4; } # 343 - whois (is opered as) # 378 - whois (connecting from) if ($line =~ /378 (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (.*)/) { $whois{$mask}{'FFF_connecting_from'} = weechat::color('default').$4; } # 379 - whois (using modes) # 401 - no such nick/channel # 402 - no such server # 671 - whois (secure connection) if ($line =~ /671 (\S+) (\S+) :(.*)/) { $whois{$mask}{'GGG_secure_connection'} = weechat::color('default').$3; } } # Add a custom informations for BitlBee user if ($bee_user == 1) { $whois{$mask}{'ZZZ_bitlbee'} = "is connected by ".weechat::color('yellow').weechat::color('bold')."BitlBee"; } # If we have some data in $whois{'__undefined__'} merge it if ($mask ne '__undefined__' && $whois{'__undefined__'}) { weechat::print('', weechat::prefix('network')."We have data in __undefined__, need to merge it with \$whois{'$mask'}..") if DEBUG; foreach my $key (keys %{$whois{'__undefined__'}}) { $whois{$mask}{$key} = $whois{'__undefined__'}{$key}; } delete $whois{'__undefined__'}; } weechat::print('', weechat::prefix('network').'Got new informations, updating bar_item..') if DEBUG; weechat::bar_item_update($bar_item_name); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub trigger_update { my $buffer = weechat::current_buffer(); if (weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, 'localvar_type') ne "private") { return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } weechat::print('', weechat::prefix('network').'Updating the current private buffer using the trigger..') if DEBUG; sigwhois_send('', 'triggered_by_timer', $buffer); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub buf_closing_cb { my ($data, $signal, $buffer) = @_; if (weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, 'localvar_type') ne "private") { return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } my $nick = weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, 'localvar_channel'); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK if (weechat::info_get('irc_is_nick', $nick) eq ''); if ($whois{$nick}) { delete $whois{$nick}; } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub unload_cb { for my $hook (keys %hooks) { weechat::unhook($hooks{$hook}); } weechat::bar_remove(weechat::bar_search($bar_name)); weechat::bar_item_remove(weechat::bar_item_search($bar_item_name)); }