use strict; use warnings; $INC{'Encode/'}=1; require Encode; # is written by Nei # and licensed under the under GNU General Public License v3 # or any later version our $XTERM_COMPATIBLE = 'rxvt-uni'; use MIME::Base64; use constant SCRIPT_NAME => 'xterm_paste'; weechat::register(SCRIPT_NAME, 'Nei ', '0.1', 'GPL3', 'Bind Xterm paste to command', 'stop_paste', '') || return; sub SCRIPT_FILE() { my $infolistptr = weechat::infolist_get('perl_script', '', SCRIPT_NAME); my $filename = weechat::infolist_string($infolistptr, 'filename') if weechat::infolist_next($infolistptr); weechat::infolist_free($infolistptr); return $filename unless @_; } { package Nlib; # this is a weechat perl library use strict; use warnings; ## i2h -- copy weechat infolist content into perl hash ## $infolist - name of the infolist in weechat ## $ptr - pointer argument (infolist dependend) ## @args - arguments to the infolist (list dependend) ## $fields - string of ref type "fields" if only certain keys are needed (optional) ## returns perl list with perl hashes for each infolist entry sub i2h { my %i2htm = (i => 'integer', s => 'string', p => 'pointer', b => 'buffer', t => 'time'); local *weechat::infolist_buffer = sub { '(not implemented)' }; my ($infolist, $ptr, @args) = @_; $ptr ||= ""; my $fields = ref $args[-1] eq 'fields' ? ${ pop @args } : undef; my $infptr = weechat::infolist_get($infolist, $ptr, do { local $" = ','; "@args" }); my @infolist; while (weechat::infolist_next($infptr)) { my @fields = map { my ($t, $v) = split ':', $_, 2; bless \$v, $i2htm{$t}; } split ',', ($fields || weechat::infolist_fields($infptr)); push @infolist, +{ do { my (%list, %local, @local); map { my $fn = 'weechat::infolist_'.ref $_; my $r = do { no strict 'refs'; &$fn($infptr, $$_) }; if ($$_ =~ /^localvar_name_(\d+)$/) { $local[$1] = $r; () } elsif ($$_ =~ /^(localvar)_value_(\d+)$/) { $local{$local[$2]} = $r; $1 => \%local } elsif ($$_ =~ /(.*?)((?:_\d+)+)$/) { my ($key, $idx) = ($1, $2); my @idx = split '_', $idx; shift @idx; my $target = \$list{$key}; for my $x (@idx) { my $o = 1; if ($key eq 'key' or $key eq 'key_command') { $o = 0; } if ($x-$o < 0) { local $" = '|'; weechat::print('',"list error: $target/$$_/$key/$x/$idx/@idx(@_)"); $o = 0; } $target = \$$target->[$x-$o] } $$target = $r; my $code = qq{ local \$[=1; \$list{"\Q$key\E"}$idx = \$r }; $key => $list{$key} } else { $$_ => $r } } @fields } }; } weechat::infolist_free($infptr); !wantarray && @infolist ? \@infolist : @infolist } ## hook_dynamic -- weechat::hook something and store hook reference ## $hook_call - hook type (e.g. modifier) ## $what - event type to hook (depends on $hook_call) ## $sub - subroutine name to install ## @params - parameters sub hook_dynamic { my ($hook_call, $what, $sub, @params) = @_; my $caller_package = (caller)[0]; eval qq{ package $caller_package; no strict 'vars'; \$DYNAMIC_HOOKS{\$what}{\$sub} = weechat::hook_$hook_call(\$what, \$sub, \@params) unless exists \$DYNAMIC_HOOKS{\$what} && exists \$DYNAMIC_HOOKS{\$what}{\$sub}; }; die $@ if $@; } ## unhook_dynamic -- weechat::unhook something where hook reference has been stored with hook_dynamic ## $what - event type that was hooked ## $sub - subroutine name that was installed sub unhook_dynamic { my ($what, $sub) = @_; my $caller_package = (caller)[0]; eval qq{ package $caller_package; no strict 'vars'; weechat::unhook(\$DYNAMIC_HOOKS{\$what}{\$sub}) if exists \$DYNAMIC_HOOKS{\$what} && exists \$DYNAMIC_HOOKS{\$what}{\$sub}; delete \$DYNAMIC_HOOKS{\$what}{\$sub}; delete \$DYNAMIC_HOOKS{\$what} unless \%{\$DYNAMIC_HOOKS{\$what}}; }; die $@ if $@; } 1 } weechat::hook_command(SCRIPT_NAME, 'get xterm clipboard', '', '', '', 'paste_cmd', ''); our $PASTE_REPLY = ''; our $ORIG_KEY_CMD = undef; our $PASTE_TIMEOUT; sub request_clip { my ($stor) = @_; $stor = '' unless $stor; my $xterm_osc = "\e]52;$stor;?\a"; my $compatible_terms = join '|', map { split /[,;]/ } split ' ', $XTERM_COMPATIBLE; print STDERR $xterm_osc if $ENV{'TERM'} =~ /^xterm|$compatible_terms/; if ($ENV{'TMUX'}) { chomp(my @tmux_clients = `tmux lsc`); my $active_term; my $last_time = 0; for (@tmux_clients) { my ($path, $rest) = split ':', $_; next unless $rest =~ / (?:xterm|$compatible_terms)/; my $atime = -A $path; if ($last_time >= $atime) { $last_time = $atime; $active_term = $path; } } if ($active_term) { open my $pty, '>>', $active_term; print $pty $xterm_osc; } } } sub paste_cmd { my (undef, undef, $args) = @_; if ($args =~ /accept/) { insert_paste() } else { get_paste() } } sub get_paste { $PASTE_TIMEOUT = weechat::hook_timer(1000, 0, 1, 'paste_input_stop', ''); weechat::hook_signal_send('input_flow_free', weechat::WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_INT, 1); Nlib::hook_dynamic('modifier', 'input_text_content', 'paste_evt2', ''); ($ORIG_KEY_CMD) = map { $_->{command} } grep { $_->{key} eq 'ctrl-G' } Nlib::i2h('key'); weechat::command('', "/mute /key bind ctrl-G /@{[SCRIPT_NAME]} accept"); request_clip(); weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK } sub insert_paste { my $paste; ($paste, $PASTE_REPLY) = ($PASTE_REPLY, ''); paste_input_stop(); $paste =~ s/\]?52;.*;$// || $paste =~ s/.*;//; my $decode = decode_base64($paste); $decode =~ s/\n/\\x0a/g; weechat::command(weechat::current_buffer(), "/input insert $decode"); weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK } sub paste_input_stop { my $leftover; ($leftover, $PASTE_REPLY) = ($PASTE_REPLY, ''); if ($PASTE_TIMEOUT) { weechat::unhook($PASTE_TIMEOUT); $PASTE_TIMEOUT = undef; } if ($ORIG_KEY_CMD) { weechat::command('', "/mute /key bind ctrl-G $ORIG_KEY_CMD"); } else { weechat::command('', '/mute /key reset ctrl-G'); } $ORIG_KEY_CMD = undef; Nlib::unhook_dynamic('input_text_content', 'paste_evt2'); if (length $leftover) { $leftover =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; weechat::command(weechat::current_buffer(), "/input insert $leftover"); } weechat::hook_signal_send('input_flow_free', weechat::WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_INT, 0); weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK } sub paste_evt2 { Encode::_utf8_on($_[3]); my $buf = weechat::current_buffer(); my $npos = weechat::buffer_get_integer($buf, 'input_pos')-1; $PASTE_REPLY .= substr $_[3], $npos, 1, ''; weechat::buffer_set($buf, 'input_pos', $npos); $_[3] } sub stop_paste { paste_input_stop() if $PASTE_TIMEOUT; weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK }