$ip=''; $password=''; $path='/'; $id_min_length=2; /* Place this at $httproot/s/index.php Make $httproot/s/.data/ writable Optional: $httproot/.htaccess: Rewriteengine on Rewriterule ^([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3}-?)$ /s/?id=$1 [L] Or: $httproot/s/.htaccess: Rewriteengine on Rewriterule ^([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3}-?)$ ?id=$1 [L] $httproot/s/.data/.htaccess: Deny from all Remove old: find $httproot/s/??? -mtime +30 -delete GET input: id Return: redirect to long url add a - to the end for preview GET input: url id_min_length Return: short url */ $chars=array_merge(range('a', 'z'), range('A', 'Z'), range(0,9)); // characters if(isset($_GET['id']) && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/', $_GET['id']) ){ // redirect if($_GET['id'][strlen($_GET['id'])-1]=='-'){ // preview $f='.data/'.substr($_GET['id'], 0, -1); if(is_readable($f)){ $get=file_get_contents($f); echo "


"; } }else{ $f='.data/'.$_GET['id']; if(is_readable($f)){ $get=file_get_contents($f); header("Location: $get"); echo "


"; } } }elseif(isset($_GET['url']) && ( !$ip || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']==$ip ) && $_GET['password']==$password){ if(isset($_GET['id_min_length'])) $id_min_length=$_GET['id_min_length']; $str=''; for($i=0; $i<$id_min_length; $i++){ $str.=$chars[array_rand($chars)]; } // minimum length $p=strlen($str)-1; for($i=0; $i<50 && file_exists(".data/$str"); $i++){ // append a random character $str.=$chars[array_rand($chars)]; $p++; for($j=0; $j<100 && file_exists(".data/$str"); $j++){ // try a new random character $str[$p]=$chars[array_rand($chars)]; } } if(is_writable('.data')){ file_put_contents(".data/$str", $_GET['url']); chmod(".data/$str", 0600); } // save else{ die($_GET['url']." url-arza: no write access"); } echo "http://${_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}$path$str"; // shortened url }else{ echo ':P'; } ?>