# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009 xt # Copyright (C) 2011 quazgaa # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # #------------------------------------------------------------------- # To make bandwidth monitor visible you need to put "[bandwidth]" # (without "") in your weechat.bar.status.items setting #------------------------------------------------------------------- # # History: # # 2011-12-02, quazgaa # version 1.0: Complete rewrite. Make script more featureful, robust, and accurate. # Thanks to FlashCode and ze for helping debug. # 2011-11-29, quazgaa # version 0.2.1: fixed: take refresh_rate into account for bandwidth calculation # 2009-10-15, xt : # version 0.2: error checking from output command # 2009-10-14, xt : # version 0.1: initial release inspired by nils' perl script # # this is a weechat script try: import weechat except: print "This script must be run under WeeChat." print "Get WeeChat now at: http://www.weechat.org/" raise SystemExit, 0 try: from time import time except: print "Error importing time module." raise SystemExit, 0 # defines SCRIPT_NAME = "bandwidth" SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "xt " SCRIPT_VERSION = "1.0" SCRIPT_LICENSE = "GPL3" SCRIPT_DESC = "Displays network interface bandwidth (KiB/s and MiB/s) on a bar" SCRIPT_SETTINGS = { "device" : ("eth0", "Network interface(s) to monitor, in order, separated by ';'"), "refresh_rate" : ("5", "Refresh rate in seconds"), "format" : (("%N(" + unichr(8595) + "%DV%DU/s " + unichr(8593) + "%UV%UU/s)").encode('utf-8'), "Output formatting: %N = network interface, %DV = downstream value, %DU = downstream units (K or M), %UV = upstream value, %UU = upstream units (K or M). Note: default setting uses UTF-8"), "separator" : (" ", "String displayed between output for multiple devices"), } STATS_FILE = "/proc/net/dev" # global variables last_device = [] last_down_bytes = [] last_up_bytes = [] last_time = 0 def main(): if weechat.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, "", ""): version = int(weechat.info_get('version_number', '')) or 0 # unset unused setting from older versions of script if weechat.config_is_set_plugin('display_unit'): weechat.prnt("", "Option plugins.var.python.bandwidth.display_unit no longer used, removing.") weechat.config_unset_plugin('display_unit') # set default settings for option in SCRIPT_SETTINGS.iterkeys(): if not weechat.config_is_set_plugin(option): weechat.config_set_plugin(option, SCRIPT_SETTINGS[option][0]) if version >= 0x00030500: weechat.config_set_desc_plugin(option, SCRIPT_SETTINGS[option][1]) # ensure sane refresh_rate setting if int(weechat.config_get_plugin('refresh_rate')) < 1: weechat.prnt("", "{}Invalid value for option plugins.var.python.bandwidth.refresh_rate, setting to default of {}".format(weechat.prefix("error"), SCRIPT_SETTINGS['refresh_rate'][0])) weechat.config_set_plugin('refresh_rate', SCRIPT_SETTINGS['refresh_rate'][0]) # create the bandwidth monitor bar item weechat.bar_item_new('bandwidth', 'bandwidth_item_cb', '') # update it every plugins.var.python.bandwidth.refresh_rate seconds weechat.hook_timer(int(weechat.config_get_plugin('refresh_rate'))*1000, 0, 0, 'bandwidth_timer_cb', '') def bandwidth_timer_cb(data, remaining_calls): weechat.bar_item_update('bandwidth') return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def bandwidth_item_cb(data, buffer, args): global last_device, last_down_bytes, last_up_bytes, last_time device = weechat.config_get_plugin('device').strip(';').split(';') output_format = weechat.config_get_plugin('format') separator = weechat.config_get_plugin('separator') invalid_settings = False # ensure sane settings if not device[0]: weechat.prnt("", "{}Option plugins.var.python.bandwidth.device should contain at least one device name, setting to default of {}".format(weechat.prefix("error"), SCRIPT_SETTINGS['device'][0])) weechat.config_set_plugin('device', SCRIPT_SETTINGS['device'][0]) invalid_settings = True if int(weechat.config_get_plugin('refresh_rate')) < 1: weechat.prnt("", "{}Invalid value for option plugins.var.python.bandwidth.refresh_rate, setting to default of {}".format(weechat.prefix("error"), SCRIPT_SETTINGS['refresh_rate'][0])) weechat.config_set_plugin('refresh_rate', SCRIPT_SETTINGS['refresh_rate'][0]) invalid_settings = True if '%DV' not in output_format and '%UV' not in output_format: weechat.prnt("", "{}Option plugins.var.python.bandwidth.format should contain at least one of: '%DV' or '%UV'. Setting to default of '{}'".format(weechat.prefix("error"), SCRIPT_SETTINGS['format'][0])) weechat.config_set_plugin('format', SCRIPT_SETTINGS['format'][0]) invalid_settings = True if invalid_settings: return '' # open the network device status information file try: f = open(STATS_FILE) except: weechat.prnt("", "{}Error opening {}".format(weechat.prefix("error"), STATS_FILE)) return '' else: current_time = time() try: foo = f.read() except: weechat.prnt("", "{}Error reading {}".format(weechat.prefix("error"), STATS_FILE)) f.close() return '' f.close() current_down_bytes = [] current_up_bytes = [] num_devices = len(device) num_last_devices = len(last_device) lines = foo.splitlines() new_device_list = False device_exist = False # get the downstream and upstream byte counts for i in xrange(num_devices): for line in lines: if (device[i] + ':') in line: field = line.split(':')[1].strip().split() current_down_bytes.append(float(field[0])) current_up_bytes.append(float(field[8])) device_exist = True break if device_exist: device_exist = False else: current_down_bytes.append(0) current_up_bytes.append(0) # check if the set of network devices to monitor has changed while script is running, if last_device: if num_last_devices != num_devices: new_device_list = True else: for i in xrange(num_devices): if device[i] != last_device[i]: new_device_list = True break # if so, clear the global variables, if new_device_list: del last_device[:] del last_down_bytes[:] del last_up_bytes[:] # set them afresh (also if script first starting), if not last_device: if num_devices: for i in xrange(num_devices): last_device.append(device[i]) last_down_bytes.append(current_down_bytes[i]) last_up_bytes.append(current_up_bytes[i]) last_time = current_time # and start from the beginning return '' # calculate downstream and upstream rates in KiB/s if num_devices: down_rate = [] up_rate = [] time_elapsed = current_time - last_time last_time = current_time for i in xrange(num_devices): down_rate.append((current_down_bytes[i] - last_down_bytes[i]) / time_elapsed / 1024) up_rate.append((current_up_bytes[i] - last_up_bytes[i]) / time_elapsed / 1024) last_down_bytes[i] = current_down_bytes[i] last_up_bytes[i] = current_up_bytes[i] output_item = [output_format for i in device] output = '' # determine downstream and upstream units; format the output for i in xrange(num_devices): if '%DU' in output_item[i]: if down_rate[i] >= 1024: down_rate[i] = round((down_rate[i]/1024), 1) down_rate_unit = 'M' else: down_rate[i] = int(round(down_rate[i])) down_rate_unit = 'K' output_item[i] = output_item[i].replace('%DU', down_rate_unit) if '%UU' in output_item[i]: if up_rate[i] >= 1024: up_rate[i] = round((up_rate[i]/1024), 1) up_rate_unit = 'M' else: up_rate[i] = int(round(up_rate[i])) up_rate_unit = 'K' output_item[i] = output_item[i].replace('%UU', up_rate_unit) output_item[i] = output_item[i].replace('%DV', str(down_rate[i])) output_item[i] = output_item[i].replace('%UV', str(up_rate[i])) output_item[i] = output_item[i].replace('%N', device[i]) if output: output += separator + output_item[i] else: output = output_item[i] # return the result return output if __name__ == "__main__": main()