# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2015 Jochen Sprickerhof # Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Sebastien Helleu # Copyright (C) 2010 xt # Copyright (C) 2010 Aleksey V. Zapparov # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # whatsapp protocol for WeeChat. # (this script requires WeeChat 0.3.0 (or newer) and the yowsup library) # # For help, see /help whatsapp # Happy chat, enjoy :) # # History: # 2015-12-30, Jochen Sprickerhof : # version 0.1: Reworked for Whatsapp # 2013-09-30, Nils Görs : # version 1.6: add support of /secure for passwords and jid # : fix stdout/stderr when no JID was set # 2013-05-14, Billiam : # version 1.5: fix unicode encoding error in /jabber buddies # 2013-05-03, Sebastien Helleu : # version 1.4: add tags in user messages: notify_xxx, no_highlight, # nick_xxx, prefix_nick_xxx, log1 # 2012-05-12, Sebastian Rydberg : # version 1.3: Added support for fetching names from roster # 2012-04-11, Sebastien Helleu : # version 1.2: fix deletion of server options # 2012-03-09, Sebastien Helleu : # version 1.1: fix reload of config file # 2012-01-03, Sebastien Helleu : # version 1.0: changes for future compatibility with Python 3.x # 2011-12-15, Sebastien Helleu : # version 0.9: fix utf-8 encoding problem on jid # 2011-03-21, Isaac Raway : # version 0.8: search chat buffer before opening it # 2011-02-13, Sebastien Helleu : # version 0.7: use new help format for command arguments # 2010-11-23, xt # version 0.6: change format of sent ping, to match RFC # 2010-10-05, xt, # version 0.5: no highlight for status/presence messages # 2010-10-01, xt, # version 0.4: # add kick and invite # 2010-08-03, Aleksey V. Zapparov : # version 0.3: # add /jabber priority [priority] # add /jabber status [message] # add /jabber presence [online|chat|away|xa|dnd] # 2010-08-02, Aleksey V. Zapparov : # version 0.2.1: # fix prexence is set for current resource instead of sending # special presences for all buddies # 2010-08-02, Aleksey V. Zapparov : # version 0.2: # add priority and away_priority of resource # 2010-08-02, Sebastien Helleu : # version 0.1: first official version # 2010-08-01, ixti : # fix bug with non-ascii resources # 2010-06-09, iiijjjiii : # add connect server and port options (required for google talk) # add private option permitting messages to be displayed in separate # chat buffers or in a single server buffer # add jid aliases # add keepalive ping # 2010-03-17, xt : # add autoreconnect option, autoreconnects on protocol error # 2010-03-17, xt : # add autoconnect option, add new command /jmsg with -server option # 2009-02-22, Sebastien Helleu : # first version (unofficial) # SCRIPT_NAME = "whatsapp" SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Jochen Sprickerhof " SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.1" SCRIPT_LICENSE = "GPL3" SCRIPT_DESC = "Whatsapp protocol for WeeChat" SCRIPT_COMMAND = SCRIPT_NAME import re import_ok = True try: import weechat except: print("This script must be run under WeeChat.") print("Get WeeChat now at: http://www.weechat.org/") import_ok = False try: from yowsup.common import YowConstants from yowsup.layers import YowLayerEvent from yowsup.layers.auth import AuthError from yowsup.layers.interface import YowInterfaceLayer, ProtocolEntityCallback from yowsup.layers.network import YowNetworkLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_contacts.protocolentities.iq_statuses_get import GetStatusesIqProtocolEntity from yowsup.layers.protocol_contacts.protocolentities.iq_statuses_result import ResultStatusesIqProtocolEntity from yowsup.layers.protocol_iq import YowIqProtocolLayer from yowsup.layers.protocol_iq.protocolentities.iq import IqProtocolEntity from yowsup.layers.protocol_iq.protocolentities.iq_ping import PingIqProtocolEntity from yowsup.layers.protocol_messages.protocolentities.message_text import TextMessageProtocolEntity from yowsup.layers.protocol_presence.protocolentities.presence_available import AvailablePresenceProtocolEntity from yowsup.layers.protocol_presence.protocolentities.presence_subscribe import SubscribePresenceProtocolEntity from yowsup.layers.protocol_presence.protocolentities.presence_unavailable import UnavailablePresenceProtocolEntity from yowsup.layers.protocol_presence.protocolentities.presence_unsubscribe import UnsubscribePresenceProtocolEntity from yowsup.layers.protocol_profiles.protocolentities import SetStatusIqProtocolEntity from yowsup.stacks import YowStackBuilder except: print("Package python-yowsup (yowsup) must be installed to use whatsapp protocol.") print("Get yowsup with your package manager, or at this URL: https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup") import_ok = False # ==============================[ global vars ]=============================== whatsapp_servers = [] whatsapp_server_options = { "jid" : { "type" : "string", "desc" : "whatsapp id (user@server.tld)", "min" : 0, "max" : 0, "string_values": "", "default" : "", "value" : "", "check_cb" : "", "change_cb" : "", "delete_cb" : "", }, "password" : { "type" : "string", "desc" : "password for whatsapp id on server", "min" : 0, "max" : 0, "string_values": "", "default" : "", "value" : "", "check_cb" : "", "change_cb" : "", "delete_cb" : "", }, "autoconnect" : { "type" : "boolean", "desc" : "automatically connect to server when script is starting", "min" : 0, "max" : 0, "string_values": "", "default" : "off", "value" : "off", "check_cb" : "", "change_cb" : "", "delete_cb" : "", }, "autoreconnect": { "type" : "boolean", "desc" : "automatically reconnect to server when disconnected", "min" : 0, "max" : 0, "string_values": "", "default" : "on", "value" : "on", "check_cb" : "", "change_cb" : "", "delete_cb" : "", }, "private" : { "type" : "boolean", "desc" : "display messages in separate chat buffers instead of a single server buffer", "min" : 0, "max" : 0, "string_values": "", "default" : "on", "value" : "on", "check_cb" : "", "change_cb" : "", "delete_cb" : "", }, "recipes" : { "type" : "boolean", "desc" : "Send recipes for messages", "min" : 0, "max" : 0, "string_values": "", "default" : "on", "value" : "on", "check_cb" : "", "change_cb" : "", "delete_cb" : "", }, "read" : { "type" : "boolean", "desc" : "Send read notifications", "min" : 0, "max" : 0, "string_values": "", "default" : "on", "value" : "on", "check_cb" : "", "change_cb" : "", "delete_cb" : "", }, "ping_interval": { "type" : "integer", "desc" : "Number of seconds between server pings. 0 = disable", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999999, "string_values": "", "default" : "50", "value" : "50", "check_cb" : "ping_interval_check_cb", "change_cb" : "", "delete_cb" : "", }, "ping_timeout" : { "type" : "integer", "desc" : "Number of seconds to allow ping to respond before timing out", "min" : 0, "max" : 9999999, "string_values": "", "default" : "10", "value" : "10", "check_cb" : "ping_timeout_check_cb", "change_cb" : "", "delete_cb" : "", }, } whatsapp_config_file = None whatsapp_config_section = {} whatsapp_config_option = {} whatsapp_jid_aliases = {} # { 'alias1': 'jid1', 'alias2': 'jid2', ... } # =================================[ config ]================================= def whatsapp_config_init(): """ Initialize config file: create sections and options in memory. """ global whatsapp_config_file, whatsapp_config_section whatsapp_config_file = weechat.config_new("whatsapp", "whatsapp_config_reload_cb", "") if not whatsapp_config_file: return # look whatsapp_config_section["look"] = weechat.config_new_section( whatsapp_config_file, "look", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") if not whatsapp_config_section["look"]: weechat.config_free(whatsapp_config_file) return whatsapp_config_option["debug"] = weechat.config_new_option( whatsapp_config_file, whatsapp_config_section["look"], "debug", "boolean", "display debug messages", "", 0, 0, "off", "off", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "") # color whatsapp_config_section["color"] = weechat.config_new_section( whatsapp_config_file, "color", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") if not whatsapp_config_section["color"]: weechat.config_free(whatsapp_config_file) return whatsapp_config_option["message_join"] = weechat.config_new_option( whatsapp_config_file, whatsapp_config_section["color"], "message_join", "color", "color for text in join messages", "", 0, 0, "green", "green", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "") whatsapp_config_option["message_quit"] = weechat.config_new_option( whatsapp_config_file, whatsapp_config_section["color"], "message_quit", "color", "color for text in quit messages", "", 0, 0, "red", "red", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "") # server whatsapp_config_section["server"] = weechat.config_new_section( whatsapp_config_file, "server", 0, 0, "whatsapp_config_server_read_cb", "", "whatsapp_config_server_write_cb", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") if not whatsapp_config_section["server"]: weechat.config_free(whatsapp_config_file) return whatsapp_config_section["jid_aliases"] = weechat.config_new_section( whatsapp_config_file, "jid_aliases", 0, 0, "whatsapp_config_jid_aliases_read_cb", "", "whatsapp_config_jid_aliases_write_cb", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") if not whatsapp_config_section["jid_aliases"]: weechat.config_free(whatsapp_config_file) return def whatsapp_config_reload_cb(data, config_file): """ Reload config file. """ return weechat.config_reload(config_file) def whatsapp_config_server_read_cb(data, config_file, section, option_name, value): """ Read server option in config file. """ global whatsapp_servers rc = weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR items = option_name.split(".", 1) if len(items) == 2: server = whatsapp_search_server_by_name(items[0]) if not server: server = Server(items[0]) whatsapp_servers.append(server) stackbuilder = YowStackBuilder() # disable status ping as weechat seems to have a problem with threads stackbuilder.setProp(YowIqProtocolLayer.PROP_PING_INTERVAL, 0) stackbuilder.pushDefaultLayers(True).push(server).build() if server: rc = weechat.config_option_set(server.options[items[1]], value, 1) return rc def whatsapp_config_server_write_cb(data, config_file, section_name): """ Write server section in config file. """ global whatsapp_servers weechat.config_write_line(config_file, section_name, "") for server in whatsapp_servers: for name, option in sorted(server.options.items()): weechat.config_write_option(config_file, option) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def whatsapp_config_jid_aliases_read_cb(data, config_file, section, option_name, value): """ Read jid_aliases option in config file. """ global whatsapp_jid_aliases whatsapp_jid_aliases[option_name] = value option = weechat.config_new_option( config_file, section, option_name, "string", "jid alias", "", 0, 0, "", value, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "") if not option: return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED def whatsapp_config_jid_aliases_write_cb(data, config_file, section_name): """ Write jid_aliases section in config file. """ global whatsapp_jid_aliases weechat.config_write_line(config_file, section_name, "") for alias, jid in sorted(whatsapp_jid_aliases.items()): weechat.config_write_line(config_file, alias, jid) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def whatsapp_config_read(): """ Read whatsapp config file (whatsapp.conf). """ global whatsapp_config_file return weechat.config_read(whatsapp_config_file) def whatsapp_config_write(): """ Write whatsapp config file (whatsapp.conf). """ global whatsapp_config_file return weechat.config_write(whatsapp_config_file) def whatsapp_debug_enabled(): """ Return True if debug is enabled. """ global whatsapp_config_options if weechat.config_boolean(whatsapp_config_option["debug"]): return True return False def whatsapp_config_color(color): """ Return color code for a whatsapp color option. """ global whatsapp_config_option if color in whatsapp_config_option: return weechat.color(weechat.config_color(whatsapp_config_option[color])) return "" def ping_timeout_check_cb(server_name, option, value): global whatsapp_config_file, whatsapp_config_section ping_interval_option = weechat.config_search_option( whatsapp_config_file, whatsapp_config_section["server"], "%s.ping_interval" % (server_name) ) ping_interval = weechat.config_integer(ping_interval_option) if int(ping_interval) and int(value) >= int(ping_interval): weechat.prnt("", "\nwhatsapp: unable to update 'ping_timeout' for server %s" % (server_name)) weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: to prevent multiple concurrent pings, ping_interval must be greater than ping_timeout") return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED def ping_interval_check_cb(server_name, option, value): global whatsapp_config_file, whatsapp_config_section ping_timeout_option = weechat.config_search_option( whatsapp_config_file, whatsapp_config_section["server"], "%s.ping_timeout" % (server_name) ) ping_timeout = weechat.config_integer(ping_timeout_option) if int(value) and int(ping_timeout) >= int(value): weechat.prnt("", "\nwhatsapp: unable to update 'ping_interval' for server %s" % (server_name)) weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: to prevent multiple concurrent pings, ping_interval must be greater than ping_timeout") return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED # ================================[ servers ]================================= class Server(YowInterfaceLayer): """ Class to manage a server: buffer, connection, send/recv data. """ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): """ Init server """ global whatsapp_config_file, whatsapp_config_section, whatsapp_server_options super(Server, self).__init__() self.connected = False self.name = name # create options (user can set them with /set) self.options = {} # if the value is provided, use it, otherwise use the default values = {} for option_name, props in whatsapp_server_options.items(): values[option_name] = props["default"] values['name'] = name values.update(**kwargs) for option_name, props in whatsapp_server_options.items(): self.options[option_name] = weechat.config_new_option( whatsapp_config_file, whatsapp_config_section["server"], self.name + "." + option_name, props["type"], props["desc"], props["string_values"], props["min"], props["max"], props["default"], values[option_name], 0, props["check_cb"], self.name, props["change_cb"], "", props["delete_cb"], "") # internal data self.jid = None self.sock = None self.hook_fd = None self.buffer = "" self.chats = [] self.buddies = [] self.buddy = None self.ping_timer = None # weechat.hook_timer for sending pings self.ping_timeout_timer = None # weechat.hook_timer for monitoring ping timeout def option_string(self, option_name): """ Return a server option, as string. """ return weechat.config_string(self.options[option_name]) def option_boolean(self, option_name): """ Return a server option, as boolean. """ return weechat.config_boolean(self.options[option_name]) def option_integer(self, option_name): """ Return a server option, as string. """ return weechat.config_integer(self.options[option_name]) @ProtocolEntityCallback("receipt") def onReceipt(self, entity): self.toLower(entity.ack()) @ProtocolEntityCallback("notification") def onNotification(self, notification): notificationData = notification.__str__() if notificationData: weechat.prnt('', "Notification: %s" % notificationData) else: weechat.prnt('', "From :%s, Type: %s" % (notification.getFrom(), notification.getType())) if weechat.config_boolean(self.options['recipes']): self.toLower(notification.ack()) def connect(self): """ Connect to whatsapp server. """ if not self.buffer: bufname = "%s.server.%s" % (SCRIPT_NAME, self.name) self.buffer = weechat.buffer_search("python", bufname) if not self.buffer: self.buffer = weechat.buffer_new(bufname, "whatsapp_buffer_input_cb", "", "whatsapp_buffer_close_cb", "") if self.buffer: weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "short_name", self.name) weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_type", "server") weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_server", self.name) weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "nicklist", "1") weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "nicklist_display_groups", "1") weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "display", "auto") self.buddy = Buddy(jid=eval_expression(self.option_string("jid")), server=self) credentials = (eval_expression(self.option_string("jid")), eval_expression(self.option_string("password"))) self.getStack().setCredentials(credentials) self.getStack().broadcastEvent(YowLayerEvent(YowNetworkLayer.EVENT_STATE_CONNECT)) # set blocking, so we don't send in the select loop as asyncore does it self.sock = self.getStack().getLayer(0).socket.setblocking(1) # push initial connect message through the socket (would have been done in the select loop otherwise self.getStack().getLayer(0).handle_write_event() self.sock = self.getStack().getLayer(0).socket.fileno() self.hook_fd = weechat.hook_fd(self.sock, 1, 0, 0, "whatsapp_fd_cb", "") weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "highlight_words", self.buddy.alias) weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_nick", self.buddy.alias) hook_away = weechat.hook_command_run("/away -all*", "whatsapp_away_command_run_cb", "") # Whatsapp doesn't send context, so we use aliases as contacts instead for jid in whatsapp_jid_aliases.values(): if jid != self.buddy.jid: self.add_buddy(jid) def is_connected(self): """Return connect status""" if not self.connected: return False else: return True def add_chat(self, buddy): """Create a chat buffer for a buddy""" chat = Chat(self, buddy, switch_to_buffer=False) self.chats.append(chat) return chat def del_buddy(self, jid): """ Remove a buddy and/or deny authorization request """ entity = UnsubscribePresenceProtocolEntity(jid) self.toLower(entity) def print_debug_server(self, message): """ Print debug message on server buffer. """ if whatsapp_debug_enabled(): weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "%swhatsapp: %s" % (weechat.prefix("network"), message)) def print_debug_handler(self, handler_name, node): """ Print debug message for a handler on server buffer. """ self.print_debug_server("%s_handler, xml message:\n%s" % (handler_name, node)) def print_error(self, message): """ Print error message on server buffer. """ if whatsapp_debug_enabled(): weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "%swhatsapp: %s" % (weechat.prefix("error"), message)) @ProtocolEntityCallback("chatstate") def presence_handler(self, node): print(node) print(dir(node)) self.print_debug_handler("presence", node) buddy = self.search_buddy_list(node.getFrom(), by='jid') if not buddy: buddy = self.add_buddy(jid=node.getFrom()) action='update' node_type = node.getType() if node_type in ["error", "unavailable"]: action='remove' if action == 'update': away = node.getShow() in ["away", "xa"] status = ' ' if node.getStatus(): status = node.getStatus() buddy.set_status(status=status, away=away) self.update_nicklist(buddy=buddy, action=action) return @ProtocolEntityCallback("iq") def iq_handler(self, node): """ Receive iq message. """ self.print_debug_handler("iq", node) #weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "whatsapp: iq handler") if isinstance(node, ResultStatusesIqProtocolEntity): for jid in node.statuses: buddy = self.search_buddy_list(jid, by='jid') if not buddy: buddy = self.add_buddy(jid=jid) buddy.set_status(status=node.statuses[jid][0]) elif isinstance(node, IqProtocolEntity): self.delete_ping_timeout_timer() # Disable the timeout feature if not self.is_connected() and weechat.config_boolean(self.options['autoreconnect']): self.connect() def onEvent(self, layerEvent): weechat.prnt('', layerEvent.getName()) if layerEvent.getName() == YowNetworkLayer.EVENT_STATE_CONNECTED: self.connected = True return True elif layerEvent.getName() == YowNetworkLayer.EVENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED: weechat.prnt('', "Disconnected: %s" % layerEvent.getArg("reason")) if not self.is_connected() and weechat.config_boolean(self.options['autoreconnect']): self.connect() return True @ProtocolEntityCallback("message") def message_handler(self, node): """ Receive message. """ self.print_debug_handler("message", node) messageOut = "" if node.getType() == "text": messageOut = self.getTextMessageBody(node) elif node.getType() == "media": messageOut = self.getMediaMessageBody(node) else: messageOut = "Unknown message type %s " % node.getType() self.print_debug_handler("send", messageOut.toProtocolTreeNode()) jid = node.getFrom() if not node.isGroupMessage() else "%s/%s" % (node.getParticipant(False), node.getFrom()) body = messageOut if weechat.config_boolean(self.options['recipes']): self.toLower(node.ack(weechat.config_boolean(self.options['recipes']))) self.print_debug_handler("Sent delivered receipt", "Message %s" % node.getId()) if not jid or not body: return buddy = self.search_buddy_list(jid, by='jid') if not buddy: buddy = self.add_buddy(jid=jid) # If a chat buffer exists for the buddy, receive the message with that # buffer even if private is off. The buffer may have been created with # /query. recv_object = self if not buddy.chat and weechat.config_boolean(self.options['private']): self.add_chat(buddy) if buddy.chat: recv_object = buddy.chat recv_object.recv_message(buddy, body) def getTextMessageBody(self, message): return message.getBody() def getMediaMessageBody(self, message): if message.getMediaType() in ("image", "audio", "video"): return self.getDownloadableMediaMessageBody(message) else: return "Media Type: %s" % message.getMediaType() def getDownloadableMediaMessageBody(self, message): return "Media Type:{media_type}, Size:{media_size}, URL:{media_url}".format( media_type=message.getMediaType(), media_size=message.getMediaSize(), media_url=message.getMediaUrl() ) def recv(self): """ Receive something from whatsapp server. """ try: self.getStack().getLayer(0).handle_read() except AuthError as e: weechat.prnt('', '%s: Error from server: %s' %(SCRIPT_NAME, e)) self.disconnect() if weechat.config_boolean(self.options['autoreconnect']): autoreconnect_delay = 30 weechat.command('', '/wait %s /%s connect %s' % (autoreconnect_delay, SCRIPT_COMMAND, self.name)) def recv_message(self, buddy, message): """ Receive a message from buddy. """ weechat.prnt_date_tags(self.buffer, 0, "notify_private,nick_%s,prefix_nick_%s,log1" % (buddy.alias, weechat.config_string(weechat.config_get("weechat.color.chat_nick_other"))), "%s%s\t%s" % (weechat.color("chat_nick_other"), buddy.alias, message)) def print_status(self, nickname, status): """ Print a status in server window and in chat. """ weechat.prnt_date_tags(self.buffer, 0, "no_highlight", "%s%s has status %s" % (weechat.prefix("action"), nickname, status)) for chat in self.chats: if nickname in chat.buddy.alias: chat.print_status(status) break def send_message(self, buddy, message): """ Send a message to buddy. The buddy argument can be either a jid string, eg username@domain.tld/resource or a Buddy object instance. """ recipient = buddy if isinstance(buddy, Buddy): recipient = buddy.jid if not self.is_connected(): weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "%swhatsapp: unable to send message, connection is down" % weechat.prefix("error")) return outgoingMessage = TextMessageProtocolEntity(message, to=self.stringify_jid(recipient)) self.toLower(outgoingMessage) def send_message_from_input(self, input=''): """ Send a message from input text on server buffer. """ # Input must be of format "name: message" where name is a jid, bare_jid # or alias. The colon can be replaced with a comma as well. # Split input into name and message. if not re.compile(r'.+[:,].+').match(input): weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "%swhatsapp: %s" % (weechat.prefix("network"), "Invalid send format. Use jid: message" )) return name, message = re.split('[:,]', input, maxsplit=1) buddy = self.search_buddy_list(name, by='alias') if not buddy: weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "%swhatsapp: Invalid jid: %s" % (weechat.prefix("network"), name)) return # Send activity indicates user is no longer away, set it so if self.buddy and self.buddy.away: self.set_away('') self.send_message(buddy=buddy, message=message) try: sender = self.buddy.alias except: sender = self.jid weechat.prnt_date_tags(self.buffer, 0, "notify_none,no_highlight,nick_%s,prefix_nick_%s,log1" % (sender, weechat.config_string(weechat.config_get("weechat.color.chat_nick_self"))), "%s%s\t%s" % (weechat.color("chat_nick_self"), sender, message.strip())) def set_away(self, message): """ Set/unset away on server. If a message is provided, status is set to 'away'. If no message, then status is set to 'online'. """ if message: entity = UnavailablePresenceProtocolEntity() self.toLower(entity) else: entity = AvailablePresenceProtocolEntity() self.toLower(entity) self.set_presence(message) def set_presence(self, status=None): message = status if status else '' entity = SetStatusIqProtocolEntity(message) self.toLower(entity) def add_buddy(self, jid): """ Add a new buddy """ full_jid = self.stringify_jid(jid) entity = SubscribePresenceProtocolEntity(full_jid) self.toLower(entity) entity = GetStatusesIqProtocolEntity([full_jid]) self.toLower(entity) buddy = Buddy(jid=jid, server=self) self.buddies.append(buddy) self.update_nicklist(buddy=buddy, action='update') return buddy def display_buddies(self): """ Display buddies. """ weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "") weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "Buddies:") len_max = { 'alias': 5, 'jid': 5 } lines = [] for buddy in sorted(self.buddies, key=lambda x: x.jid.getStripped()): alias = '' if buddy.alias != buddy.jid: alias = buddy.alias buddy_jid_string = buddy.jid.getStripped() lines.append( { 'jid': buddy_jid_string, 'alias': alias, 'status': buddy.away_string(), }) if len(alias) > len_max['alias']: len_max['alias'] = len(alias) if len(buddy_jid_string) > len_max['jid']: len_max['jid'] = len(buddy_jid_string) prnt_format = " %s%-" + str(len_max['jid']) + "s %-" + str(len_max['alias']) + "s %s" weechat.prnt(self.buffer, prnt_format % ('', 'JID', 'Alias', 'Status')) for line in lines: weechat.prnt(self.buffer, prnt_format % (weechat.color("chat_nick"), line['jid'], line['alias'], line['status'], )) def stringify_jid(self, jid): """ Serialise JID into string. Args: jid: xmpp.protocol.JID, JID instance to serialize Notes: Method is based on original JID.__str__ but with hack to allow non-ascii in resource names. """ if '@' in jid: return jid elif "-" in jid: return "%s@g.us" % jid return "%s@s.whatsapp.net" % jid def search_buddy_list(self, name, by='jid'): """ Search for a buddy by name. Args: name: string, the buddy name to search, eg the jid or alias by: string, either 'alias' or 'jid', determines which Buddy property to match on, default 'jid' Notes: If the 'by' parameter is set to 'jid', the search matches on all Buddy object jid properties, followed by all bare_jid properties. Once a match is found it is returned. If the 'by' parameter is set to 'alias', the search matches on all Buddy object alias properties. Generally, set the 'by' parameter to 'jid' when the jid is provided from a server, for example from a received message. Set 'by' to 'alias' when the jid is provided by the user. """ if by == 'jid': for buddy in self.buddies: if self.stringify_jid(buddy.jid) == name: return buddy for buddy in self.buddies: if buddy.jid == name: return buddy else: for buddy in self.buddies: if buddy.alias == name: return buddy return None def update_nicklist(self, buddy=None, action=None): """Update buddy in nicklist Args: buddy: Buddy object instance action: string, one of 'update' or 'remove' """ if not buddy: return if not action in ['remove', 'update']: return ptr_nick_gui = weechat.nicklist_search_nick(self.buffer, "", buddy.alias) weechat.nicklist_remove_nick(self.buffer, ptr_nick_gui) msg = '' prefix = '' color = '' away = '' if action == 'update': nick_color = "bar_fg" if buddy.away: nick_color = "weechat.color.nicklist_away" weechat.nicklist_add_nick(self.buffer, "", buddy.alias, nick_color, "", "", 1) if not ptr_nick_gui: msg = 'joined' prefix = 'join' color = 'message_join' away = buddy.away_string() if action == 'remove': msg = 'quit' prefix = 'quit' color = 'message_quit' if msg: weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "%s%s%s%s has %s %s" % (weechat.prefix(prefix), weechat.color("chat_nick"), buddy.alias, whatsapp_config_color(color), msg, away)) return def add_ping_timer(self): if self.ping_timer: self.delete_ping_timer() if not self.option_integer('ping_interval'): return self.ping_timer = weechat.hook_timer( self.option_integer('ping_interval') * 1000, 0, 0, "whatsapp_ping_timer", self.name) return def delete_ping_timer(self): if self.ping_timer: weechat.unhook(self.ping_timer) self.ping_timer = None return def add_ping_timeout_timer(self): if self.ping_timeout_timer: self.delete_ping_timeout_timer() if not self.option_integer('ping_timeout'): return self.ping_timeout_timer = weechat.hook_timer( self.option_integer('ping_timeout') * 1000, 0, 1, "whatsapp_ping_timeout_timer", self.name) return def delete_ping_timeout_timer(self): if self.ping_timeout_timer: weechat.unhook(self.ping_timeout_timer) self.ping_timeout_timer = None return def ping(self): if not self.is_connected(): if not self.connect(): return iq = PingIqProtocolEntity(to = YowConstants.DOMAIN) self.toLower(iq) self.print_debug_handler("ping", iq) self.add_ping_timeout_timer() return def ping_time_out(self): self.delete_ping_timeout_timer() # A ping timeout indicates a server connection problem. Disconnect # completely. self.disconnect() return def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect from whatsapp server. """ if self.hook_fd != None: weechat.unhook(self.hook_fd) self.hook_fd = None self.getStack().broadcastEvent(YowLayerEvent(YowNetworkLayer.EVENT_STATE_DISCONNECT)) self.jid = None self.sock = None self.buddy = None weechat.nicklist_remove_all(self.buffer) def close_buffer(self): """ Close server buffer. """ if self.buffer != "": weechat.buffer_close(self.buffer) self.buffer = "" def delete(self, deleteOptions=False): """ Delete server. """ for chat in self.chats: chat.delete() self.delete_ping_timer() self.delete_ping_timeout_timer() self.disconnect() self.close_buffer() if deleteOptions: for name, option in self.options.items(): weechat.config_option_free(option) def eval_expression(option_name): """ Return a evaluated expression """ if int(version) >= 0x00040200: return weechat.string_eval_expression(option_name,{},{},{}) else: return option_name def whatsapp_search_server_by_name(name): """ Search a server by name. """ global whatsapp_servers for server in whatsapp_servers: if server.name == name: return server return None def whatsapp_search_context(buffer): """ Search a server / chat for a buffer. """ global whatsapp_servers context = { "server": None, "chat": None } for server in whatsapp_servers: if server.buffer == buffer: context["server"] = server return context for chat in server.chats: if chat.buffer == buffer: context["server"] = server context["chat"] = chat return context return context def whatsapp_search_context_by_name(server_name): """Search for buffer given name of server. """ bufname = "%s.server.%s" % (SCRIPT_NAME, server_name) return whatsapp_search_context(weechat.buffer_search("python", bufname)) # =================================[ chats ]================================== class Chat: """ Class to manage private chat with buddy or MUC. """ def __init__(self, server, buddy, switch_to_buffer): """ Init chat """ self.server = server self.buddy = buddy buddy.chat = self bufname = "%s.%s.%s" % (SCRIPT_NAME, server.name, self.buddy.alias) self.buffer = weechat.buffer_search("python", bufname) if not self.buffer: self.buffer = weechat.buffer_new(bufname, "whatsapp_buffer_input_cb", "", "whatsapp_buffer_close_cb", "") self.buffer_title = self.buddy.alias if self.buffer: weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "title", self.buffer_title) weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "short_name", self.buddy.alias) weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_type", "private") weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_server", server.name) weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "localvar_set_channel", self.buddy.alias) weechat.hook_signal_send("logger_backlog", weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, self.buffer) if switch_to_buffer: weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "display", "auto") def recv_message(self, buddy, message): """ Receive a message from buddy. """ if buddy.alias != self.buffer_title: self.buffer_title = buddy.alias weechat.buffer_set(self.buffer, "title", "%s" % self.buffer_title) weechat.prnt_date_tags(self.buffer, 0, "notify_private,nick_%s,prefix_nick_%s,log1" % (buddy.alias, weechat.config_string(weechat.config_get("weechat.color.chat_nick_other"))), "%s%s\t%s" % (weechat.color("chat_nick_other"), buddy.alias, message)) def send_message(self, message): """ Send message to buddy. """ if not self.server.is_connected(): weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "%swhatsapp: unable to send message, connection is down" % weechat.prefix("error")) return self.server.send_message(self.buddy, message) weechat.prnt_date_tags(self.buffer, 0, "notify_none,no_highlight,nick_%s,prefix_nick_%s,log1" % (self.server.buddy.alias, weechat.config_string(weechat.config_get("weechat.color.chat_nick_self"))), "%s%s\t%s" % (weechat.color("chat_nick_self"), self.server.buddy.alias, message)) def print_status(self, status): """ Print a status message in chat. """ weechat.prnt(self.buffer, "%s%s has status %s" % (weechat.prefix("action"), self.buddy.alias, status)) def close_buffer(self): """ Close chat buffer. """ if self.buffer != "": weechat.buffer_close(self.buffer) self.buffer = "" def delete(self): """ Delete chat. """ self.close_buffer() # =================================[ buddies ]================================== class Buddy: """ Class to manage buddies. """ def __init__(self, jid=None, chat=None, server=None ): """ Init buddy Args: jid: xmpp.protocol.JID object instance or string chat: Chat object instance server: Server object instance The jid argument can be provided either as a xmpp.protocol.JID object instance or as a string, eg "username@domain.tld/resource". If a string is provided, it is converted and stored as a xmpp.protocol.JID object instance. """ # The jid argument of xmpp.protocol.JID can be either a string or a # xmpp.protocol.JID object instance itself. self.jid = jid self.chat = chat self.server = server self.name = '' self.alias = '' self.away = True self.status = '' self.set_alias() return def away_string(self): """ Return a string with away and status, with color codes. """ if not self: return '' if not self.away: return '' str_colon = ": " if not self.status: str_colon = "" status = self.status.replace('\n', ' ') if self.status else '' return "%s(%saway%s%s%s)" % (weechat.color("chat_delimiters"), weechat.color("chat"), str_colon, status, weechat.color("chat_delimiters")) def set_alias(self): """Set the buddy alias. If an alias is defined in whatsapp_jid_aliases, it is used. Otherwise the alias is set to self.jid or self.name if it exists. """ self.alias = self.jid if not self.jid: self.alias = '' if self.name: self.alias = self.name global whatsapp_jid_aliases for alias, jid in whatsapp_jid_aliases.items(): if jid == self.jid: self.alias = alias break return def set_name(self, name=''): self.name = name self.set_alias() return def set_status(self, away=True, status=''): """Set the buddy status. Two properties define the buddy status. away - boolean, indicates whether the buddy is away or not. status - string, a message indicating the away status, eg 'in a meeting' Comparable to xmpp presence element. """ if not away and not status: status = 'online' # If the status has changed print a message on the server buffer if self.away != away or self.status != status: self.server.print_status(self.alias, status) self.away = away self.status = status return # ================================[ commands ]================================ def whatsapp_hook_commands_and_completions(): """ Hook commands and completions. """ weechat.hook_command(SCRIPT_COMMAND, "Manage whatsapp servers", "list || add " " || connect|disconnect|del [] || alias [add|del ]" " || away [] || buddies ||" " || status []" " || debug || set []", " list: list servers and chats\n" " add: add a server\n" " connect: connect to server using password\n" "disconnect: disconnect from server\n" " del: delete server\n" " alias: manage jid aliases\n" " away: set away with a message (if no message, away is unset)\n" " status: set status message\n" " buddies: display buddies on server\n" " debug: toggle whatsapp debug on/off (for all servers)\n" "\n" "Without argument, this command lists servers and chats.\n" "\n" "Examples:\n" " Add a server: /whatsapp add myserver user@server.tld password\n" " Add gtalk server: /whatsapp add myserver user@gmail.com password talk.google.com:5223\n" " Connect to server: /whatsapp connect myserver\n" " Disconnect: /whatsapp disconnect myserver\n" " Delete server: /whatsapp del myserver\n" "\n" "Aliases:\n" " List aliases: /whatsapp alias \n" " Add an alias: /whatsapp alias add alias_name jid\n" " Delete an alias: /whatsapp alias del alias_name\n" "\n" "Other whatsapp commands:\n" " Chat with a buddy (pv buffer): /query\n" " Add buddy to roster: /winvite\n" " Remove buddy from roster: /wkick\n" " Send message to buddy: /wmsg", "list %(whatsapp_servers)" " || add %(whatsapp_servers)" " || connect %(whatsapp_servers)" " || disconnect %(whatsapp_servers)" " || del %(whatsapp_servers)" " || alias add|del %(whatsapp_jid_aliases)" " || away" " || status" " || buddies" " || debug", "whatsapp_cmd_whatsapp", "") weechat.hook_command("query", "Chat with a whatsapp buddy", "", "buddy: buddy id", "", "whatsapp_cmd_query", "") weechat.hook_command("wmsg", "Send a message to a buddy", "[-server ] ", "server: name of whatsapp server buddy is on\n" " buddy: buddy id\n" " text: text to send", "", "whatsapp_cmd_wmsg", "") weechat.hook_command("winvite", "Add a buddy to your roster", "", "buddy: buddy id", "", "whatsapp_cmd_winvite", "") weechat.hook_command("wkick", "Remove a buddy from your roster, or deny auth", "", "buddy: buddy id", "", "whatsapp_cmd_wkick", "") weechat.hook_completion("whatsapp_servers", "list of whatsapp servers", "whatsapp_completion_servers", "") weechat.hook_completion("whatsapp_jid_aliases", "list of whatsapp jid aliases", "whatsapp_completion_jid_aliases", "") def whatsapp_list_servers_chats(name): """ List servers and chats. """ global whatsapp_servers weechat.prnt("", "") if len(whatsapp_servers) > 0: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp servers:") for server in whatsapp_servers: if name == "" or server.name.find(name) >= 0: conn_server = '' connected = "" if server.sock >= 0: connected = "(connected)" weechat.prnt("", " %s - %s %s %s" % (server.name, eval_expression(server.option_string("jid")), conn_server, connected)) for chat in server.chats: weechat.prnt("", " chat with %s" % (chat.buddy)) else: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: no server defined") def whatsapp_cmd_whatsapp(data, buffer, args): """ Command '/whatsapp'. """ global whatsapp_servers, whatsapp_config_option if args == "" or args == "list": whatsapp_list_servers_chats("") else: argv = args.split(" ") argv1eol = "" pos = args.find(" ") if pos > 0: argv1eol = args[pos+1:] if argv[0] == "list": whatsapp_list_servers_chats(argv[1]) elif argv[0] == "add": if len(argv) >= 4: server = whatsapp_search_server_by_name(argv[1]) if server: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: server '%s' already exists" % argv[1]) else: kwargs = {'jid': argv[2], 'password': argv[3]} server = Server(argv[1], **kwargs) whatsapp_servers.append(server) stackbuilder = YowStackBuilder() # disable status ping as weechat seems to have a problem with threads stackbuilder.setProp(YowIqProtocolLayer.PROP_PING_INTERVAL, 0) stackbuilder.pushDefaultLayers(True).push(server).build() weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: server '%s' created" % argv[1]) else: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: unable to add server, missing arguments") weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: usage: /whatsapp add name jid password") elif argv[0] == "alias": alias_command = AliasCommand(buffer, argv=argv[1:]) alias_command.run() elif argv[0] == "connect": server = None if len(argv) >= 2: server = whatsapp_search_server_by_name(argv[1]) if not server: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: server '%s' not found" % argv[1]) else: context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"]: server = context["server"] if server: if weechat.config_boolean(server.options['autoreconnect']): server.ping() # This will connect and update ping status server.add_ping_timer() else: server.connect() elif argv[0] == "disconnect": server = None if len(argv) >= 2: server = whatsapp_search_server_by_name(argv[1]) if not server: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: server '%s' not found" % argv[1]) else: context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"]: server = context["server"] context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if server: server.delete_ping_timer() server.disconnect() elif argv[0] == "del": if len(argv) >= 2: server = whatsapp_search_server_by_name(argv[1]) if server: server.delete(deleteOptions=True) whatsapp_servers.remove(server) weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: server '%s' deleted" % argv[1]) else: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: server '%s' not found" % argv[1]) elif argv[0] == "send": if len(argv) >= 3: context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"]: buddy = context['server'].search_buddy_list(argv[1], by='alias') message = ' '.join(argv[2:]) context["server"].send_message(buddy, message) elif argv[0] == "read": whatsapp_config_read() elif argv[0] == "away": context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"]: context["server"].set_away(argv1eol) elif argv[0] == "status": context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"]: if len(argv) == 1: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: status = %s" % context["server"].presence.getStatus()) else: context["server"].set_presence(status=argv1eol) elif argv[0] == "buddies": context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"]: context["server"].display_buddies() elif argv[0] == "debug": weechat.config_option_set(whatsapp_config_option["debug"], "toggle", 1) if whatsapp_debug_enabled(): weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: debug is now ON") else: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: debug is now off") else: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: unknown action") return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def whatsapp_cmd_query(data, buffer, args): """ Command '/query'. """ if args: context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"]: buddy = context["server"].search_buddy_list(args, by='alias') if not buddy: buddy = context["server"].add_buddy(jid=args) if not buddy.chat: context["server"].add_chat(buddy) weechat.buffer_set(buddy.chat.buffer, "display", "auto") return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def whatsapp_cmd_wmsg(data, buffer, args): """ Command '/wmsg'. """ if args: argv = args.split() if len(argv) < 2: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if argv[0] == '-server': context = whatsapp_search_context_by_name(argv[1]) recipient = argv[2] message = " ".join(argv[3:]) else: context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) recipient = argv[0] message = " ".join(argv[1:]) if context["server"]: buddy = context['server'].search_buddy_list(recipient, by='alias') context["server"].send_message(buddy, message) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def whatsapp_cmd_winvite(data, buffer, args): """ Command '/winvite'. """ if args: context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"]: context["server"].add_buddy(args) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def whatsapp_cmd_wkick(data, buffer, args): """ Command '/wkick'. """ if args: context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"]: context["server"].del_buddy(args) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def whatsapp_away_command_run_cb(data, buffer, command): """ Callback called when /away -all command is run """ global whatsapp_servers words = command.split(None, 2) if len(words) < 2: return message = '' if len(words) > 2: message = words[2] for server in whatsapp_servers: server.set_away(message) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK class AliasCommand(object): """Class representing a whatsapp alias command, ie /whatsapp alias ...""" def __init__(self, buffer, argv=None): """ Args: bufffer: the weechat buffer the command was run in argv: list, the arguments provided with the command. Example, if the command is "/whatsapp alias add abc abc@server.tld" argv = ['add', 'abc', 'abc@server.tld'] """ self.buffer = buffer self.argv = [] if argv: self.argv = argv self.action = '' self.jid = '' self.alias = '' self.parse() return def add(self): """Run a "/whatsapp alias add" command""" global whatsapp_jid_aliases if not self.alias or not self.jid: weechat.prnt("", "\nwhatsapp: unable to add alias, missing arguments") weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: usage: /whatsapp alias add alias_name jid") return # Restrict the character set of aliases. The characters must be writable to # config file. invalid_re = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\[\]\\\^_\-{|}@\.]') if invalid_re.search(self.alias): weechat.prnt("", "\nwhatsapp: invalid alias: %s" % self.alias) weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: use only characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 [ \ ] ^ _ - { | } @ .") return # Ensure alias and jid are reasonable length. max_len = 64 if len(self.alias) > max_len: weechat.prnt("", "\nwhatsapp: invalid alias: %s" % self.alias) weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: must be no more than %s characters long" % max_len) return if len(self.jid) > max_len: weechat.prnt("", "\nwhatsapp: invalid jid: %s" % self.jid) weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: must be no more than %s characters long" % max_len) return jid = self.jid alias = self.alias if alias in whatsapp_jid_aliases.keys(): weechat.prnt("", "\nwhatsapp: unable to add alias: %s" % (alias)) weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: alias already exists, delete first") return if jid in whatsapp_jid_aliases.values(): weechat.prnt("", "\nwhatsapp: unable to add alias: %s" % (alias)) for a, j in whatsapp_jid_aliases.items(): if j == jid: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: jid '%s' is already aliased as '%s', delete first" % (j, a)) break whatsapp_jid_aliases[alias] = jid self.alias_reset(jid) return def alias_reset(self, jid): """Reset objects related to the jid modified by an an alias command Update any existing buddy objects, server nicklists, and chat objects that may be using the buddy with the provided jid. """ global whatsapp_servers for server in whatsapp_servers: buddy = server.search_buddy_list(jid, by='jid') if not buddy: continue server.update_nicklist(buddy=buddy, action='remove') buddy.set_alias() server.update_nicklist(buddy=buddy, action='update') if buddy.chat: switch_to_buffer = False if buddy.chat.buffer == self.buffer: switch_to_buffer = True buddy.chat.delete() new_chat = server.add_chat(buddy) if switch_to_buffer: weechat.buffer_set(new_chat.buffer, "display", "auto") return def delete(self): """Run a "/whatsapp alias del" command""" global whatsapp_jid_aliases if not self.alias: weechat.prnt("", "\nwhatsapp: unable to delete alias, missing arguments") weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: usage: /whatsapp alias del alias_name") return if not self.alias in whatsapp_jid_aliases: weechat.prnt("", "\nwhatsapp: unable to delete alias '%s', not found" % (self.alias)) return jid = whatsapp_jid_aliases[self.alias] del whatsapp_jid_aliases[self.alias] self.alias_reset(jid) return def list(self): """Run a "/whatsapp alias" command to list aliases""" global whatsapp_jid_aliases weechat.prnt("", "") if len(whatsapp_jid_aliases) <= 0: weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp: no aliases defined") return weechat.prnt("", "whatsapp jid aliases:") len_alias = 5 len_jid = 5 for alias, jid in whatsapp_jid_aliases.items(): if len_alias < len(alias): len_alias = len(alias) if len_jid < len(jid): len_jid = len(jid) prnt_format = " %-" + str(len_alias) + "s %-" + str(len_jid) + "s" weechat.prnt("", prnt_format % ('Alias', 'JID')) for alias, jid in sorted(whatsapp_jid_aliases.items()): weechat.prnt("", prnt_format % (alias, jid)) return def parse(self): """Parse the alias command into components""" if len(self.argv) <= 0: return self.action = self.argv[0] if len(self.argv) > 1: # Pad argv list to prevent IndexError exceptions while len(self.argv) < 3: self.argv.append('') self.alias = self.argv[1] self.jid = self.argv[2] return def run(self): """Execute the alias command.""" if self.action == 'add': self.add() elif self.action == 'del': self.delete() self.list() return def whatsapp_completion_servers(data, completion_item, buffer, completion): """ Completion with whatsapp server names. """ global whatsapp_servers for server in whatsapp_servers: weechat.hook_completion_list_add(completion, server.name, 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def whatsapp_completion_jid_aliases(data, completion_item, buffer, completion): """ Completion with whatsapp alias names. """ global whatsapp_jid_aliases for alias, jid in sorted(whatsapp_jid_aliases.items()): weechat.hook_completion_list_add(completion, alias, 0, weechat.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # ==================================[ fd ]==================================== def whatsapp_fd_cb(data, fd): """ Callback for reading socket. """ global whatsapp_servers for server in whatsapp_servers: if server.sock == int(fd): server.recv() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # ================================[ buffers ]================================= def whatsapp_buffer_input_cb(data, buffer, input_data): """ Callback called for input data on a whatsapp buffer. """ context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"] and context["chat"]: context["chat"].send_message(input_data) elif context["server"]: if input_data == "buddies" or "buddies".startswith(input_data): context["server"].display_buddies() else: context["server"].send_message_from_input(input=input_data) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def whatsapp_buffer_close_cb(data, buffer): """ Callback called when a whatsapp buffer is closed. """ context = whatsapp_search_context(buffer) if context["server"] and context["chat"]: if context["chat"].buddy: context["chat"].buddy.chat = None context["chat"].buffer = "" context["server"].chats.remove(context["chat"]) elif context["server"]: context["server"].buffer = "" return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # ==================================[ timers ]================================== def whatsapp_ping_timeout_timer(server_name, remaining_calls): server = whatsapp_search_server_by_name(server_name) if server: server.ping_time_out() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def whatsapp_ping_timer(server_name, remaining_calls): server = whatsapp_search_server_by_name(server_name) if server: server.ping() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # ==================================[ main ]================================== if __name__ == "__main__" and import_ok: if weechat.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, "whatsapp_unload_script", ""): version = weechat.info_get("version_number", "") or 0 whatsapp_hook_commands_and_completions() whatsapp_config_init() whatsapp_config_read() for server in whatsapp_servers: if weechat.config_boolean(server.options['autoreconnect']): server.ping() # This will connect and update ping status server.add_ping_timer() else: if weechat.config_boolean(server.options['autoconnect']): server.connect() # ==================================[ end ]=================================== def whatsapp_unload_script(): """ Function called when script is unloaded. """ global whatsapp_servers whatsapp_config_write() for server in whatsapp_servers: server.disconnect() server.delete() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK